Fiber... Metamucil?

I did some googling to see how I can get more fiber in my diet. (to fill me up, curb hunger and to umm... "regulate" me)

And I came across several websites that say Psyllium (ie Metamucil), is great for this and helps you lose weight by moving everything through your system faster. Is this true? I found a ton of sites where people were saying they used it purely to lose weight. But Im unsure exactly how it works. I also read Benefiber really isnt good for you at all. What do you guys think?

I was thinking about drinking a glass once a day. Would this help with my weight loss, or would it make me bloated or hinder me?


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    I dunno if it really helps you lose weight, but you should aim for 25g of fiber at a minimum.

    Metamucil doesn't have tons of fiber. Better off having a piece of high fiber bread, or just adjusting your diet.

    Fiber basically adds bulk. It allows things to snowball a little more efficiently.
  • kubyshechka
    kubyshechka Posts: 75 Member
    Veggies, all kinds, raw, cooked, fruits - fills you up and low in calories. You will not need metamucil and will not feel hungry.
  • Kidd94
    Kidd94 Posts: 5
    I take metamucil daily. Reason for me is that as I am getting older, 36, I find I don't poop like I used to. And the metamucil does clean me out. It does add bulk. I can't say it's helped me lose weight.. but I do know after I poo, I have lost weight. :)

    If your regular, and have no issues in the bowel movement area and your eating enough fiber naturally you don't need it. However, if your not regular, if your not passing the quantity that you used, despite eating right, it doesn't hurt to try it. I like the pills better myself and it doesn't have that weird texture.
  • radiocop
    radiocop Posts: 1
    My doctor advised me to use Metamucil twice a day to control my cholesterol and to assist with constipation. While it did make it easier to pass a stool, I don't find myself going more often. Also, I became bloated and gained about 10 pounds within a week once I started Metamucil. I'm sure there is a scientific reason for this, however I think I will come off the Metamucil and switch to a laxative tea.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    It won't help you lose weight except for making sure you aren't constipated.

    Personally I wouldn't take something like a fiber suppliment unless absolutely neccesary. Your body can become dependant on suppliements.

    Try to increase your fiber through foods and ensure you are consuming enough water and fats as well. Add chia seeds to oatmeal... or add in more fruits and veggies to up your fiber. Best to get it from food sources than processed suppliements if possible.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    My doctor advised me to use Metamucil twice a day to control my cholesterol and to assist with constipation. While it did make it easier to pass a stool, I don't find myself going more often. Also, I became bloated and gained about 10 pounds within a week once I started Metamucil. I'm sure there is a scientific reason for this, however I think I will come off the Metamucil and switch to a laxative tea.

    Might be best to stay on metamucil or increase fiber through food. A laxative tea is not something to be drinking everyday. Your body can become dependant on it and when you don't drink it you won't go. A tea like Senna is good for occasional usage however cna damage your body if taken regularly. I believe most laxative teas are senna based.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Fiber is not digested so it is the only truly calorie free food. If a fiber drink helps you eat less it could help with weight loss. But fiber is important for many reasons beyond weight loss. Here is a good article on fiber, if you are interested.
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    Fiber is not digested so it is the only truly calorie free food. If a fiber drink helps you eat less it could help with weight loss. But fiber is important for many reasons beyond weight loss. Here is a good article on fiber, if you are interested.

    Fiber has 4 calories per gram...
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    I sometimes take metamucil as a fibre supplement, used to take it every day. I would drink the drink and then at least two more glasses of water to get everything moving. Really helped fight bloating and make me regular. However, make sure you drink a lot of water with it otherwise you'll gain weight like the above poster
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Fiber is not digested so it is the only truly calorie free food. If a fiber drink helps you eat less it could help with weight loss. But fiber is important for many reasons beyond weight loss. Here is a good article on fiber, if you are interested.

    Fiber has 4 calories per gram...

    Since our bodies can't digest fiber, how do the calories get absorbed?
  • I take fiber gummies every single morning. I take 2. They don't fill me up but they do have calories. I have IBS with constipation and I've found these fiber gummies to be the only thing that keeps me regular after suffering for years and years with this disorder.

    I forgot to add they are Vitafusion Fiber Gummies. They are 5 calories each and are sugar free.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I take fiber gummies every single morning. I take 2. They don't fill me up but they do have calories. I have IBS with constipation and I've found these fiber gummies to be the only thing that keeps me regular after suffering for years and years with this disorder.

    I forgot to add they are Vitafusion Fiber Gummies. They are 5 calories each and are sugar free.

    Important to note - how the fiber is packaged may have calories. I believe the orange flavored Metamusil is sweetened and that will have calories.
  • I use it regularly and it works for bloating. I saw the woman said she gained 10 pounds the only way she's gaining 10 pounds as if she's eating it by the spoonful because Metamucil only has 20 cal per serving. Maybe consider a change in her diet and adding Metamucil as a healthy fiber alternative.
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    I don't like the ones with psyllium in them. It works as a thickening agent. (you can use it to thicken things, but it's not the same! My friend put it in cheese sauce, it was more gluey) I prefer to add the fibre to my morning eggs (I just cannot drink the stuff!) and it changed the texture and was, to me, nasty. They used to make it with inulin fibre, which is more powdery, but I can't find the Metamucil one anywhere any more. The only brand I can find that in now is Exact. It says right on the label that it is non-thickening powder, and great for baking and cooking. And I find that it is! Don't know if it does anything for my weight loss, but it does help me be regular!

    eta; no sugar in the inulin stuff either, but be sure to check the packaging for calories - this one is 10 cal per one rounded tsp. of 3.2 g
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    As a few other posters have said, you would likely be better off trying to adjust your diet to include more fiber if you think you're not getting enough and it's causing issues for you. That said, I don't think it would be unhealthy to try Metamucil for a while, but I wouldn't try to make it a lasting part of your lifestyle; it's almost always better to try and make more natural changes in the long run unless the only available way is a supplement.
  • RachyLovesRattys
    RachyLovesRattys Posts: 143 Member
    Don't use Benefiber if you want to lose weight! I'm serious! It's just maltodextrin, and many doctors argue it's not a "true" fiber but simply the body "processes" it similarly enough to curb blood sugar pangs. It's not going to get you anywhere and it won't make your tummy feel any better. But, you will have the gas of a lifetime! (It IS good to hide in kids foods though if you have to be sneaky...I do add it to things *actually my cats food dishes* where a little extra fiber wouldn't hurt)

    That being said, metamucil (specifically the psyllium husk- because I haven't bought a name brand fiber supplement in FOREVER) is the BOMB! Ignore the carbs, ignore the calories in it. They simply don't matter. As long as you are using a sugar-free supplement (the plain ones or capsules are all sugar free and don't have sugar substitutes that I also try to avoid) you have nothing to worry about.

    I take an insane amount of fiber a day. My goal is usually about 45grams a day (I've been taking fiber a LONG time). I swear, I would have gained so much extra weight when I wasn't exercising, had I not continued my fiber diligently. (I still gained some weight though--it's not a miracle now)

    Supplement wise, I take about 20 capsules. The bottle says 15 a day (3 servings of 5) but I usually end up taking another dose right before bed if I snacked too much late in the day. Sometimes I take more if my fiber for the day was really bad. Sometimes I take less if I had a good amount from my diet.

    My friends laugh at me and say I'd be miserable to be around without my fiber. I swear, one or two days without, my digestive system gets all sluggish, and I become a B-I-T-C-H! I even fought with a professor of mine once doing a fiber project because he asked if fiber can change you emotionally, and I said "yes!" He goes, "but it's not's not changing your mood!" And I fought back, "I don't know about you, but i'm awfully cranky when I haven't pooped in a few days!" My class all stared at me laughing and turned to him saying "SHE GOT YOU THERE!!"

    I go to BJ's to get my fiber. It's SOO much cheaper! A bottle of 400 capsules is 8.99 with membership (and only a dollar or two more without) compared to the CVS or Metamucil brands at the pharmacy that are about 16.99 for 120 capsules (that last me less than a week).

    I don't recommend the drinks only because you have to chug them before the solidify, and I find it harder to get a good dose when I'm all bloated and unpleasant from chugging a whole cup of fiber slosh. They also work MUCH faster in drink form, which can be bad for an active exerciser like me. Capsules are the BEST IMHO!

    Hope I helped!! If you need any more info let me know :)