I am new to the site.....

Hello. My name is Jessica and this is my second day on myfitnesspal. I am at my heaviest right now and by doctor's orders, I need to lose weight. My cholesterol is high right now and I am afraid that I may have diabetes (had bloodwork down a few days ago, soon I will find out).

After speaking with my dietician, my problem is that I am not eating filling foods....after I eat I am still hungry. I also go for foods that are conveinent....so I have to stay away from those types of bad foods. She wants me to be on a 1500 calorie diet--Low Fat and Cholesterol. Last night I was trying to count all the calories I had for the day by looking on the internet for a calorie counter. Then I stumbled upon this website and thus far I am very happy that I found myfitnesspal.

I am determined more than ever now to get down to the weight I was 4 years ago....165 lbs. I felt good at that weight as well as comfortable and confident about myself. :happy:


  • josiecowboy69
    It is a great motivator, I pray that you won't have to go on medication and if it is diabetes, this change in your life. Could possibly eliminate taking meds for it. I just came off my blood pressure medicine. Feel free to add me.
  • BookofJenny
    BookofJenny Posts: 96 Member
    Welcome :) feel free to add me , everyone needs support to do this!