Why is nothing changing???

Ok I've seen on here where people have put that after a few days of the 30 day shred they are seeing results. I am on day 7 and I haven't lost any weight, as a matter a fact I've went up a little bit. I understand that muscle weighs more than fat, but I'm eating 1400 calories a day and doing the 30 day shred along with jogging/walking 2-3 miles a day. I should be losing some wieght or inches shouldn't I??? I have been dieting since January and the last few months has been a complete struggle. I've changed my exercise routine and done everything that I know to do in order to speed the process up, but nothing! I am getting frustrated with dieting!


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    7 days? come on...give it some time
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    a week and you expect results? Be patient....you didn't gain all the weight you want to lose in a week, don't expect to see faster results getting in shape.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    7 days? come on...give it some time

  • Abrandnewme36
    Abrandnewme36 Posts: 47 Member
    7 days? come on...give it some time


    I'm not expecting it to all come off over night. I'm just saying shouldn't I be losing something?? I've been dieting for 5 months now, so I know that it takes time. But my weight loss has stopped and was just curious if I was doing something wrong....thats all!! I started at 197 and I'm down to 168 and it took me 5 months to get where i am, but again I've stopped losing.....
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    7 days? come on...give it some time


    I'm not expecting it to all come off over night. I'm just saying shouldn't I be losing something?? I've been dieting for 5 months now, so I know that it takes time. But my weight loss has stopped and was just curious if I was doing something wrong....thats all!! I started at 197 and I'm down to 168 and it took me 5 months to get where i am, but again I've stopped losing.....
  • Abrandnewme36
    Abrandnewme36 Posts: 47 Member
    Ok I've seen on here where people have put that after a few days of the 30 day shred they are seeing results. I am on day 7 and I haven't lost any weight, as a matter a fact I've went up a little bit. I understand that muscle weighs more than fat, but I'm eating 1400 calories a day and doing the 30 day shred along with jogging/walking 2-3 miles a day. I should be losing some wieght or inches shouldn't I??? I have been dieting since January and the last few months has been a complete struggle. I've changed my exercise routine and done everything that I know to do in order to speed the process up, but nothing! I am getting frustrated with dieting!

    Ok apparently there is some confusion about my post. So here goes...I started dieting in Jan weighing 197 as of today I weigh 168. I have been counting calories and was only doing the elliptical upon until about 2 weeks ago. My calorie is at 1400 a day and I'm now doing the 30 day shred because I was told to change my routine in order to break the plateau. Along with the 30 day shred I have been counting calories and walking/jogging 2-3 miles a day. The scale has gone up, not down. With all of this "different activity" I'm not losing any weight or inches. I've been doing the shred for 7 days and I understand that's a short time but I still would excpect the scale to move in down, not up........am I doing something wrong????
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    new activity = water retention. Give it a month or two.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    If you are jogging and doing 30DS and only eating 1400 calories you may not be eating enough. You have to fuel your body or it will hold onto the fat.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I'm not expecting it to all come off over night. I'm just saying shouldn't I be losing something?? I've been dieting for 5 months now, so I know that it takes time. But my weight loss has stopped and was just curious if I was doing something wrong....thats all!! I started at 197 and I'm down to 168 and it took me 5 months to get where i am, but again I've stopped losing.....

    You just might be losing something. Don't pay attention to the scale so much. Instead, take photos of yourself weekly to compare. Use a tape measure and record hip, bust, waist, thigh, etc. One of my favorite things to do is put on a pair of pants and measure how much slack there is in the waist. You can drop 2 entire sizes sometimes without making the needle on the scale wiggle.
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    TAKE PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Along with measurements...

    In the beginning.. My measurements helped me along when the scale wasn't changing but now... those don't change either... but guess what.. I can see it in the pics!!!

    Here is my last 3 months progress... I weigh 135 in every pic and my waist was always 27"....

    Also depending on how active you are... you may want to relook at your calorie intake....
  • korinastern
    When you start a new exercise plan your muscles retain water to repair any damage as much as five pounds give it time the water will come off and you will see the reults
  • Betta2
    Betta2 Posts: 11 Member
    1 lb of muscle weighs the same as 1 lb of fat.... ie, 1 lb of beef weighs the same as 1 lb of popcorn, it just takes a lot more popcorn to make up that pound.
  • DanielleRN8
    DanielleRN8 Posts: 409
    I agree with 2 of the above posters. First, are you eating back your exercise calories? If you aren't, you're probably not eating enough to fuel your muscles (i.e enough to build them.) Second, always take pictures. They never lie! Don't give up! Continue on with the shred and you will see results!
  • husker_gal
    husker_gal Posts: 462 Member
    I went up in weight when I started 30 DS too. It's because your muscles are used to such a vigorous workout so they retain water to help repair themselves. Keep in mind that a lot of people do not see much of a weight loss from doing 30 DS. Muscle is more dense than fat so as you burn off the fat and build up your muscle you may increase in weight but I guarantee you that your inches will go down. Try to keep track of your inches throughout 30 DS.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Can't say for sure without knowing your BMR or seeing your diary, but it sounds like you're not eating enough. 1400 calories per day is fine for many people without much exercise, but when you're doing 30DS 'and' 2-3 miles per day? Even if you were 90 pounds and 4' tall, that's probably still not enough calories with all that activity.
  • Dimples1975
    Dimples1975 Posts: 65 Member
    Eventhough I didn't post this question, all of your answers are helping me too. This past week I gained approximately 5 lbs and I was so shocked because I couldn't understand how. I have been under my calorie goal plus I exercise 7 days a week. But I also started a new workout routine so that might explain why I gained weight. I might be retaining water. Thanks for the input!
  • Abrandnewme36
    Abrandnewme36 Posts: 47 Member
    I agree with 2 of the above posters. First, are you eating back your exercise calories? If you aren't, you're probably not eating enough to fuel your muscles (i.e enough to build them.) Second, always take pictures. They never lie! Don't give up! Continue on with the shred and you will see results!

    Well, I'm not really sure how many calories I burn. I do the 30 day shred in the morning and then I do my cardio in the evenings. And I'm eating 1400 calories
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    You've lost 1.3 pounds a week! That's amazing!!

    One thing that helps me when I feel "stuck" is to look at my pattern of weight loss. I usually go two weeks without losing much of anything, then BAM! One week I'll lose three pounds. I also hit a plateau a while back, but increased my cals by 100/week until I was up to 1500. That helped a lot. I just decreased again this week by 150, then I will increase again starting in a couple of weeks and go up to 1600. This is working for me because I'm "shaking it up" with variation. (When people suggest increasing your calories, I recommend doing it slowly.)

    I love Jillian's workouts, but haven't done 30DS because I like longer workouts. But remember that you're doing great - 1.3 pounds a week! (assuming you started January 1, if you started later that # is more like 1/5 pounds a week) Keep it up!!! Try not to get discouraged, it's working!! :flowerforyou:

    EDIT: I just saw that you work out twice a day...you really should try to eat more, maybe increase 100 cals a week over the next two-three weeks. You should definitely see a difference then, especially if you feel drained. I notice how tired I am when I'm not eating enough and working out 60-90 minutes/day.
  • dlf88
    dlf88 Posts: 13 Member
    Try adding 250 calories to your diet and keep pushing hard with your exercise! This works for me when I stop losing weight.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Chances are it is all water weight your body is holding on to...as you do new exercises - espeically ones that push your muscles - your muscles will have small tears - water is what helps those tears heal (tearing muscle + repair = stronger muscles - make sure you are getting enough water and protien as protien contains amino acids which helps with the repair)

    When you do something continiously with very little rest in between your body doesn't get a chance to shed that water that has been protecting your muscles...

    I have seen where if I do some heavy exercises a few days in a row I may go up 3-4 lbs on the scale...give 2-3 days of rest and weight is back down...

    Jeanae pictures are awesome - and shows you can change your body without anything happening on the scale

    The mindset you have to change to is not "a number on the scale" but rather "a Healthier stronger me" - that way you aren't worrying about the number and get discouraged and quit what you are doing - but rather continue to do it because it will make you healthier and stronger