Birth Control and losing weight???

Do any of you notice problems losing weight while on the pill? I'm currently on the Yasmin and can't seem to shed any pounds... :/


  • JadeHymora
    I had that problem when I was on the Nuvaring
  • spiralated
    spiralated Posts: 150 Member
    I'm on a different one and I can't seem to kick it either! In fact, I'm at my heaviest now that I've start BC. ... (I was down 10 lbs before starting it now I'm up 10 plus the 10 I lost).
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    I have mirena and it's awesome. I don't feel like it affects my weight or hunger level at all. When I was on the pill, i did gain a lot of weight -- don't know if that was because of the pill though or if I ate too much! I think it might take more discipline to lose weight when you're on medication that makes you hungry but I also know people do it...

    good luck!!!
  • MariaLivingFit
    MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
    I noticed it with Mirena (an IUD), but not with a regular BCP.
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I have been on microgestin for almost 10 years and have never had any problems. Five years ago I lost 30 lbs, but put it back on. Currently I have lost 15 lbs in about 8 weeks.
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    I never had trouble losing weight when I was on the pill (I was on Seasonique), but it affects everyone differently.
  • momo2011Tuck
    momo2011Tuck Posts: 49 Member
    I had an IUD in and noticed I was having the hardest time losing. I would only lose a pound or two here and there, nothing consistent. I was at a 10lbs lost before i took it out. Which took a few months. I had it removed almost three weeks ago and I am now at about a 21lbs loss. Nothing else changed. Diet and exercise was all the same, I just stopped the birth control and the weight started coming off again!
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Every type of HBP (pills, Mirena, Implanon) unfortunately effects different women in different ways. :( If you think your current one is causing problems, you could talk to your Dr. about switching to another type (some have different amounts of hormones, or different combinations).

    Just keep in mind if you do switch, it can take 3-6 months for your body to regulate to the new type, so you have to give it time to see if it's any better than the one you were previously on.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    In clinical trials, weight gain only occured in 0-1% of those on the trail. I think birth control gets a bad rep for no real reason. Weight gain on bc is like a big fish story - it keeps growing and getting exaggerated.

    I'm curious how many calories you are eating a day. I know that I have Mirena, (which I fell is totally unrelated to what I'm about to say), but if I eat the 1,200 calories that MFP recommends, I don't lose an ounce. I even did that and 30 Day Shred and didn't even lose half a pound. I upped my calories to about 1,400, and BAM! The weight started falling off.

    I'd recommend determining your BMR and TDEE, and making your BMR your daily goal, but not going over your TDEE.

    I hope that helps! Feel free to add me or message me if you have any questions. Totally been down this road. :smile:
  • Stephyshoes
    Stephyshoes Posts: 45 Member
    I gained about 20 pounds when I started taking the pill. I've lost about 10 of that, but it definitely seems harder than it should be.
  • Twidget12
    Twidget12 Posts: 71
    I have been on the pill for the better part of 11 years (Ortho TriCyclen) and started getting serious about my weight loss back in April (although I had been loosing a pound, gaining a pound here and there probably for the majority of the 10 years). But, since April I can't say that I have noticed any problems shedding pounds. I have my MFP goals set to loose 2 pounds a week and I have been averaging anywhere from 1.6lbs-2.6lbs depending on the time of the month.
  • celtictechie
    I gained 10 lbs when I went on it, but that was 2 years ago. I gained a lot more of my weight from poor eating and medications I had been on that were tons worse. Now it's just a new normal of that there is probably 10 lbs extra that I will have to lose. I'm losing just fine at this point. I'm on low-ogesterol
  • mzkezh
    mzkezh Posts: 74
    I'm on the shot, and cant really tell a difference, I heard stories of weight gain and loss, but I feel it's not affecting me (knock on wood). I thing I did notice is that my hair is growing more.
  • pokat302
    pokat302 Posts: 10 Member
    Yeah, I gained all of my weight while on hormonal birth control. Gained 30+ pounds in ONE month while taking Tri Cyclen. Gained 10+ while on the nuva ring. I since learned that the estrogen in birth control caused my pre-diabetes and insulin resistance to really go into overdrive. Estrogen makes insulin resistance worse. You need to get your A1C checked. I switched to non-hormonal IUD - Paraguard and started to follow a low-carb diet, and the weight started to come off. If you can't use a non-hormonal birth control - cut out your carbs.
  • PinkKitty724
    PinkKitty724 Posts: 179 Member
    I was on Safyral (which is Yasmin with folate) and I gained a pound or two. But- I am not sure if that was because of my horrible diet and lack of exercise at the time.
    I am now on Sprintec and all has been well. I've lost weight during my reduced calorie/exercise plan, albeit, it's been slow going. I never thought of it before but maybe my BC has something to do with it!
  • Twidget12
    Twidget12 Posts: 71
    In clinical trials, weight gain only occured in 0-1% of those on the trail. I think birth control gets a bad rep for no real reason. Weight gain on bc is like a big fish story - it keeps growing and getting exaggerated.

    ^ This is very true. It was a big topic of discussion among the female classmates in my pharmaceutical class a few years ago.
  • JadeHymora
    I put on 30lbs my first year of BC I thought I was crazy until I switched to an IUD
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    I only noticed it when I begin to take BC. Once it's been in my system for a cycle or two, there is no collation (that I can tell) with weight gain. Right now I'm using the birth control patch (Ortho Evra).
  • RF3377
    RF3377 Posts: 97
    I'm on yasmin aswell, never gained any weight while on it, I'm only big because well I was a glutton with food lol

    So far in my weight loss journey I've had no problems have lost 27lbs since 22nd Feb 2012. So personally it hasn't been causing me any problems. Talk to your doctor and see if ye can change it maybe?
  • momo2011Tuck
    momo2011Tuck Posts: 49 Member
    In clinical trials, weight gain only occured in 0-1% of those on the trail. I think birth control gets a bad rep for no real reason. Weight gain on bc is like a big fish story - it keeps growing and getting exaggerated.

    ^ This is very true. It was a big topic of discussion among the female classmates in my pharmaceutical class a few years ago.

    I defiantly agree that is often times and most times does not cause weight gain, but In my opinion I think its defiantly possible to aid in slower weight loss. The way I was explained is that my IUD was gonna trick my body into thinking I was pregnant so I could not get pregnant... correct me if I am wrong but wouldn't that mean my body is going to want to hold onto the weight more so than normal?