i dont know if its possible

sean93 Posts: 109
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I am around 7lbs away from being in the healthy weight category and i don;t think 7lbs is going to make me look and feel better. is there anyone who is in the healthy weight category but stil sees themselves as fat and flabby.

im looking at the scales and myself and thinkin wel il try and lose another stone (14lbs) but iv already lost nearly 2 stone (28lbs) and i havent seen a huge impact in my appearance, yes people have commented but clothes are fitting only a little bit looser and im still in the same size clothes as when i started out and that was 28lbs ago and now im about to enter the healthy weight category too:indifferent:

my build is also quite large which i really dont like, bcos i dont kno if this sounds daft but i have a large rib cage and i feel that is holding me back from ever being skinny becos ryt now my chest sticks out from my stomach and it makes my chest look huge and also i have very broad shoulders, of course im still a teen so im still growing but im also the shorted lad in my friends yet i have the broadest shoudlers and largest chest, does anyone have any insight or experience in any of this?



  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member

    I am sure there is a visible difference, what you need to do is convince yourself of it. Obviously, if people are commenting on your weight loss, it is you that needs to re-evaluate yourself, remembering that you have accomplished a great thing!

    After carrying a lot of excess weight for years, my ribcage expanded and i will always be top heavy. My goal is to just be healthy and fit. I don't think I HAVE to be within what the charts say is healthy, rather I strive to be fit and to feel good in my own skin.

    I know I cannot relate to your question entirely, but you need to know you are not alone and you shoudl give yourself credit for all you have done!
  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    i agree sean.like you said ur still a teen. give it time ur still growing
  • 11kimberly11
    11kimberly11 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey, you are being way to hard on yourself. I sympathize because I have a teenage daughter and I would not want to trade places with her. High School is so tough these days, teens are so judgemental and the media doesn't help either.

    I'm not sure why you wouldn't see a difference after losing 28 pounds. That's a great accomplishment assuming it was done healthy and you didn't starve yourself. You should be proud of yourself. Please think of eating healthy and losing weight as a means to feel good and be healthy, not to be skinny,and fit society's unrealistic view of beauty.

    I can relate to being unhappy with how one looks. There are some things we can't control like height and bone structure and when we focus on those things its downright depressing. Here's what Istarted doing a while ago and it helped me accept and love myself much more. You look around at people, and you take notice that what you see in them, confidence, a great smile, outgoing , kind whatever it is that makes you notice and like someone. Now look closer- look at them like they might look at themselves in the mirror. You see all those stupid little imperfection that they may hate about themselves - but you didn't see them and nobody ( who matters) is going to see yours. What really counts is inner beauty- kindness, smiling, good natured, confidence. Since doing this I've accepted myself and all my imperfection.

    If you are overweight by all means lose the weight to be healthy but don't focus on physical beauty. It doesn't last anyway. I hope I've helped a little, sorry for rambling on. Good Luck and be good to yourself!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    thanks people, i wasnt trying to be hard on myself its just frustrating when you see people the same height and weight but they look so much better and i don;t understand why i have to lose another 14lbs to look how they do and i dont mean that in a jealous way because i try really hard to get where i am now with eating healthy and doing regualr exercise and yes i feel realllly happy when people comment on how much weight i have lost which has happend three times already this week:smile:,

    but we have 4 mirrors in my house and they all give me a different view on what i look like as some make me feel really fat like the one down stairs but recently i have looked in to that mirror and thought omg i look really thinner.

    i havent measured my hips, waist, thighs, stomach etc to see if im losing that way as my clothes are fitting the same but i have found some t-shirts in my wardrobe that are really baggy on me which used to be skin tight lol

    and yer i undestand what you are saying kimberley but me losing weight is for me its not for how others see me, i want to feel more comfortable and be healthier and feel a lot more confident with myself :smile:
  • Sean,
    My son, who is now 15, was 70 pounds overweight at 13. This concerned me a great deal because I know that being overwieght as a child can effect your growth just as being underweight can. We changed his diet and he took up a paper route and has lost 30 pounds. He still wears the same clothes because hes like them a little loose. He still has a little bit of a belly because he does not do any toning exercises. Ths biggest differences are in his face and height. He has grown about 8 inches since losing 30 pounds. He's still technically overweight, but most of it is muscle mass in his legs from walking 6 miles everyday.

    Even losing 10 pounds can effect your hormones, like the growth hormones, a great deal. You may have a growth spurt now that you have lost weght. You may never be "skinny" but that is perfectly fine. You are a great guy. I know this because you have joined MFP and are working at being healthy. So forget the scales and ask yourself, "How do I feel?" Do you feel physically better? Do you have more energy? Can you walk, jog, or run a little farther than before? Besides, most girls don't like "skinny, scrawny" guys. Just read any romance novel. All the guys are broad chested and wide of shoulder. :wink:

    Just keep telling yourself, "I AM a great person!" Your friends at MFP know it's true.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Sean - Your post worries me a little because I can see so much of my much younger self in it.

    When I was a teenager I had a VERY bad self image. I had no self confidence and when I looked in the mirror my perception of myself was quite skewed. When I look back at pictures now I see something TOTALLY different from what I saw in the mirror then. Then I saw something that was nearly disfigured. Now looking at the pictures I was really pretty darn cute, and had a nice figure.

    Boys can have low self-esteem same as girls - and I believe this is what you're suffering from. I don't know what the answer is, but can you talk to someone about it? I would recommend a church or school counselor - even though school probably has not started again yet.

    I believe in my heart that you are probably a very good looking young man, but that your self image is skewed and that you're not seeing yourself as others see you.

    I pray that you will begin to see the truth, and that the lies that are whispered inside our heads do not influence you any more. I pray that you will begin to see yourself in the light of truth, and not through the fun house mirrors that our eyes can become when we look at ourselves.

    I pray that you will begin to appreciate yourself for the remarkable, beautifully made individual that you are. And I pray that you to not measure yourself by the unrealistic standards that our society has set for us, and instead measure yourself again in the light of truth.

    If you think you are unworthy, just ask yourself, why did so many people on this board - that don't even know me face to face - take the time to answer this post? The answer is because YOU ARE WORTHY. And you are loved.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    And BTW while some girls might like skinny guys, most women want a substantial MAN! :-)
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I agree with what everyone else here has said.

    Also, I have been told that it takes our own brain and eyes longer to catch up with what everyone else sees. So, other people are noticing, but in our own mental mind, we see the same thing.

    Your eyes and brain will catch up in their own time. All facets of our body has to adjust when we start making changes, sometimes a part of our body is a little slower to catch on. :wink:

    Hang in there. I would suggest exercising and toning up and be sure to stretch to lengthen the muscles, pilates and yoga are good for that part too.

    A regimen of cardio a couple days a week, coupled with weight lifting and then top it off with some pilates and yoga. You will be very fit and trim. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
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