Going from treadmill to outside... what's it like?



  • mmsilvia
    mmsilvia Posts: 459 Member
    Everyone is different. I used to prefer the treadmill. I would only run outside about once a month or so but, one day my treadmill died. I never replaced my treadmill and now I love running outside. The fresh air, the freedom ~ everyday is different :smile:

    Although, I live in New England and I know come this winter I will be missing my treadmill.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    My biggest challenge was pacing myself. I "felt" like I was going slow enough but was actually going 4-6 min per mile faster than I did on the treadmill. So of course it was "harder" to run outside. It'd be "harder" to run on a treadmill at that speed too (for me). It is a little different (even at the same speed), and you'll probably feel it some in the muscles that stabilize the side-to-side movement of your legs (you'll be using those muscles to adjust to uneven terrain-which you don't encounter on a treadmill). But if you find it significantly "harder"-you're probably going significantly faster (or not keeping an even pace-and even shorter bursts of speed can take more out of you than you're expecting). I lived off a smartphone app that chirped at me every minute telling me how fast I was going-until I finally learned how to slow down.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I found it was harder. I'm a novice runner and was doing about a mile on the treadmill a few times a week during the winter. Then, I started training for a 5k, which involved running outside. It was a tough transition! It's harder on my joints and in the beginning I was very sore the day after a run. I found it much more difficult to control my breathing (which I already have trouble with). I was also working on increasing my distance, which may have been part of my problems.
    I'm starting to train for a half marathon right now and probably 75% of my training will take place outdoors. I might do a little treadmill running here and there (depending on heat and humidity). I'm learning to love running outside, but the treadmill was definitely easier for me.
  • MamaKeeks
    MamaKeeks Posts: 234
    I am someone who loves instant gratification when I can get it, and the treadmill just doesn't give it! I like to know I am MOVING AHEAD, going somewhere, making distance... so I prefer to run outside. It soothes me more too. I used to run inside all the time bc I thought I looked like a dork running - and I do, but now it makes me feel so good I just don't care! lol

    I think the most important thing for making the transition is your shoes - make sure you've got good ones, the RIGHT ones, because asphalt is more demanding on your body.

    Get out there and enjoy the fresh air! You'll love it :wink:
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    I hate the dreadmill with a passion (still a better love story than twilight)! I started running outside from the get go. The few times I've been forced to run on a treadmill it was boring and it made me lightheaded when I stopped. I also cannot run long on a treadmill and I sweat like a pig. I also run slower. I love running outside better because, as others have said here, you feel like you're going somewhere. I always feel like I'm more connected to the world when out on a run. It really is a beautiful thing!
  • MCinSoCal
    MCinSoCal Posts: 87
    I'm the opposite it seems... I started out walking/jogging outdoors but ended up where I almost have to use the treadmill indoors because the bright sun and heat of outdoors was triggering severe migraines for me each time I went out and there were more than a few occasions I was really worried about being able to make it back home....so I moved indoors to the treadmill and while I still get the migraines from time to time they're not near as severe...

    However, I will agree that being outdoors with the scenery and all is nice, just wish I could tolerate it while jogging... :glasses:
  • timboom1
    timboom1 Posts: 762 Member
    The major physical difference, the treadmill moves and you pull yourself forward to keep up, outside the ground doesn't move and you have to push yourself forward. It is slightly harder to run outside because you can't just lengthen your stride a little bit and go the same pace like you can on the treadmill without the same turnover rate.

    Outside is harder on the joints as well, you do have to think more about form and not over striding which will cause all kind of aches and pains that a treadmill with some shock absorption will forgive.

    For me the major non-physical difference is the scenery changes when I run outside, not so much with the treadmill.
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    I can do both with no problems...treadmill give me that consistant pace I try to stay with...when I outside, to many variables. The biggest difference you may encounter is just that the variables..control ur breathing...the road conditions...weather...i run at my gym 4 days a week...but ur right the outside scenery is great especially on a beautiful day...when I trained for my first marathon it was in the winter months so outside was challenging...treadmill had to suffice 20 miles 4hrs all treadmill (lovely) lol
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I moved outdoors recently, and I love it, I'm running in the rain too and it just feels so good. I recently went to the gym because it was super windy and I was bored out of my mind at 3 miles (I've been getting 26-30 in a week outdoors). I plan to do my best to stay outside, and I've been able to go further.
  • PittGatorJD
    I actually did the opposite...I started outside before I went to a treadmill. I can run farther, faster, and with more endurance on a treadmill. That being said, I live in Pittsburgh and have to deal with lots of hills. I think this made my treadmill running easier. The biggest difference though? I can't stop clock watching on a treadmill and I get bored. This never happens outside. 60 mins outside feels like 15 mins inside to me....

    Once you learn to enjoy running outside, you'll hate the days you're planning to lift because you know you'll save time just using the treadmill, but you'll yearn for the outdoors.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    DaughterOfTheMostHighKing Posts: 1,436 Member
    it's a big difference! the treadmill is softer in landing on your feet and the miles tracked are not always correct for what you are actually doing. I found that the treadmill shortened my stride so I had to extend my stride intentionally for a long time before I got back to where I was before using the treadmill. :P
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I can run for an hour on my treadmill anywhere between 4.7 - 5.3 mph. It's hard during the first 20 minutes, but at that hour mark, I feel like I can kep going. Last night I burned 1006 calories doing this.

    I want to try running outside and taking advantage of the trail near my house. I heard that it's harder to run outside, but how? What's it like? What makes it different?

    Who has made that transition from treadmill to outdoors?

    When you first start training outside, run slowly and then slow down a little more, then run your distance. Record it all and how long it took and what your route was. Once you have completed one training session outside without stopping to walk, you will be fine and it is all go.

    Just do not go off too fast and do not try to maintain a too-fast run because if you have to stop it doesn't help you psychologically the next time you venture out, it is crucial you keep going to your plan.

    Regarding the routes you run, try to vary those every session, it stops the boredom, keeps you fresh. I use the website "Gmaps Pedometer" to work out my routes and stores each one, it tells you how far you have run and you can put notes next to each route such as how long it took you to run that course etc. When you measure out the route on GMP, don't forget to click the "manual" box otherwise it will not allow you to measure the off-road bits. It doesn't matter where you live in the world with that site either, it is all done via satellite.
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    I just started running outdoors on Monday! I have to say that it is harder in the sense that when you are on the treasmill, when you want to stop (or give up) you just push a button. Whereas being outdoors you have to get from point A to point B no matter what! I def am sweating more and burning more calories. But overall, I feel soooo much more accomplished when I finish my outdoor run!! I am LOVING it!!!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    The biggest difference for me was having to keep an eye out for stuff you won't find on your treadmill. This would be stuff like...

    1. Broken glass
    2. Cars that pass too close
    3. Loose dogs that want to "play" (this is not always a bad thing)

    Other than that, I totally prefer running outdoors to running on a treadmill.
  • hevhoyda
    hevhoyda Posts: 146 Member
    Personally, I think it's easier to run outside there's more to be distracted by and you aren't just staring at the same things. I love running out in the country because then you have no choice but to make it to that next road, which isn't always exactly close. Also, I live on a farm with woods if you have that option it's fun to mix it up with trail runs once in awhile.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I hate the dreadmill with a passion (still a better love story than twilight)! I started running outside from the get go. The few times I've been forced to run on a treadmill it was boring and it made me lightheaded when I stopped. I also cannot run long on a treadmill and I sweat like a pig. I also run slower. I love running outside better because, as others have said here, you feel like you're going somewhere. I always feel like I'm more connected to the world when out on a run. It really is a beautiful thing!

    LMAO at the twilight comment.

  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I just started running outdoors on Monday! I have to say that it is harder in the sense that when you are on the treasmill, when you want to stop (or give up) you just push a button. Whereas being outdoors you have to get from point A to point B no matter what! I def am sweating more and burning more calories. But overall, I feel soooo much more accomplished when I finish my outdoor run!! I am LOVING it!!!

    You do realize there is no hope for you now don't you, you are hooked :oD
  • RunnerFive
    RunnerFive Posts: 67 Member
    Sounds FANTASTIC!

    Realistically, there's only Saturday night and Sunday morning that I have time to run indoors, all other times it's dark and I'm working. NOPE, not running in the dark! Maybe that's a good thing, because it sounds like it will be painful the first week or so. I'm OK with that, it's a beautiful trail and I want to take advantage of it :)

    I know for certain that my STRIDE will make a difference as well, that wasn't mentioned yet. I always see a girl running on the trail when I go by on my bike... she's running and her feet are slamming against the pavement, completely flat footed., Like, BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG! I can HEAR her feet when I go by, and I just cringe. I won't be doing that!

    I have Saucony shoes, I think they're the reason I can run so well on the treadmill. I LOVE them, like running on a cloud :D

    And to pass the time, I've always got the Zombies, Run! app. But I don't have a GPS, so I won't be able to tell how fast I'm going :( But I do have a HRM, that's something.

    Thanks for the tips folks!!!!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    I just started running outdoors on Monday! I have to say that it is harder in the sense that when you are on the treasmill, when you want to stop (or give up) you just push a button. Whereas being outdoors you have to get from point A to point B no matter what! I def am sweating more and burning more calories. But overall, I feel soooo much more accomplished when I finish my outdoor run!! I am LOVING it!!!

    You do realize there is no hope for you now don't you, you are hooked :oD

    LOL! I sure hope so!!! :)
  • johnsummerton
    johnsummerton Posts: 86 Member
    Outside is fun . Treadmill is sooooo boring , I run for much longer outside.