This Whole Water Weight Thing Is Pissing Me Off



  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    I've found that drinking "Sassy Water" every day helps with water weight. The only time I get now it is if I eat something very salty.

    Here is the recipe for Sassy Water. I love it and think it's delicious. It also aids in digestion.


    2 liters water
    1 tsp fresh, grated ginger
    12 mint leaves
    1 cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
    1 lemon, thinly sliced

    How to make it

    Combine all ingredients in pitcher.
    Drink all in one day.
    (if you let it sit overnight, the flavors are stronger...personal preference)

    Thank you! I will have to try that. :)
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I have no understanding why weighing once a week is considered good. Yes weight fluctuates from day to day and will usually go up and down as the day progresses, but weighing once a day will let you see the average and show. you true gains and losses. Ideally why first thing in the morning, after the bathroom and before dressing.

    If you only weigh once a week and happen to do it on the days that you were above average - that would be depressing - since it gave you the wrong info.

    I agree. My weight fluctuates by 2-4-6-8-9 lbs from day to day and if I only weighed myself once a week and it happened to be a day when I was up 9lbs-I'd be all kinds of pissed off. But that's me. I think it's like any data-it's not that too much data is a bad thing, it's what you do with the data. It seems a lot of people internalize the single number on the scale and don't "helicopter up" to see it as part of a trend. If you drive yourself crazy with daily fluctuations-either learn to see them as part of a long-term trend or don't put yourself in a situation to see all the fluctuations (meaning don't weigh yourself every day). Just know that your weight does fluctuate daily-and just because you choose to only collect one data point each week doesn't mean that the one data point you are collecting is the most representative of the "real" number (the previously mentioned situation where the one day you weigh yourself could be a day where you swing wildly up or down-making you think you've lost or gained more than you really have). I guess I should mention that I am in data analytics for a career-so weeding through and making sense of lots of data is how my brain works-I've learned that most people don't share that same brain wiring.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    How would only weighing once a week be helpful? You might be in an upward fluctuation on your weigh-in day. If you weigh every day, you can see the trend.

    I think it's helpful for people who are losing over the course of a week, but they don't see the forest for the trees because they're seeing 'gains' throughout the week, mixed in with the losses.
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    This is strange to me because I weight lift and usually I should retain more water sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I pee like crazy, and not on purpose but I just am always going to the bathroom at least like 8-10 time during the day and at night two more times.... So I hardly ever see any water weight making me fluctuate. maybe you should try checking the scale every two days? I check mine everyday and if its the same or above slightly for a few days I wont record it until i see something give...maybe try adding less sodium into your diet, I really have to try hard to stay right around 2500 mg a day and sometimes I go over, but I would try that. Don't get discouraged!!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I totally agree with not weighing too much. My weight from morning to night can sometimes be a difference of 3 pounds so I don't let that bother me. And I do measure and am seeing progress there and my clothes definitely don't fit a good way. haha I think I'm just scared that I'm going to do a repeat of 2009 when I first started exercising and eating better. I lost major inches and dropped sizes, but lost no weight. By March 2010 I still hadn't lost any weight and then I got pregnant. I worked so hard those months and saw no scale movement. I am just scared I think that that is going to happen again.

    just remember that the scale is only ONE tool for measuring your progress, and it is not always an accurate record. The measuring tape is a tool too. The scale has been slow to register progress for me too...however, in the last month I have found muscles that I haven't seen in a long time--like my biceps and my calf muscles!

    Take pictures. I just posted a series of pictures on my profile last night. The earliest one was taken just about 8 weeks ago ( about mid april), the next one was taken May 18th, and the last one was taken 6 days ago. There is only like an 8 or 9 pound difference between the first picture and the last!

    Just remember that a pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat, so you could very easily be losing fat and gaining muscle at the same the scale would not register the "loss" of your fat.
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    Thanks everyone! I guess sometimes I just need a little pep talk. It can be so easy to get focused on what's right in front of me instead of the big picture. I should definitely take some pictures. I don't really have any actual "before" shots, but I do have a few pictures of me in the past few months. So maybe that'll be inspiring to see pictures of myself as I go. I must say though that after reading all of your comments and then exercising even though I didn't really feel like it, I feel a little better. Today is my 9 year wedding anniversary so it's gonna be a good day even if the scale doesn't show a 10 pound loss. haha
  • krawl78
    krawl78 Posts: 113 Member
    Hey cari,

    I took a peek at your diary and I would recommend dropping your sodium intake to stop the fluctuation with water weight. It may take a couple of days to balance out, but it should help! Good luck!~
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    I actually weigh every day so that seeing a 3 lb jump doesn't freak me out. I only record "new lows". I told myself if I ever had a jump that stuck around for more than a week, I would record it as a gain. In 95 days it hasn't happened. The most I have ever gone without seeing the same number or a new low number is about 5 days.

    I do this, too! Except that I don't record a jump if it sticks for over a week, since I'm gaining a lot of muscle and sometimes it takes the scale a crazy long time to catch up with my shrinking body. Use your clothes as your gauge!
  • BlondeQtTexas
    BlondeQtTexas Posts: 97 Member
    I've found that drinking "Sassy Water" every day helps with water weight. The only time I get now it is if I eat something very salty.

    Here is the recipe for Sassy Water. I love it and think it's delicious. It also aids in digestion.


    2 liters water
    1 tsp fresh, grated ginger
    12 mint leaves
    1 cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
    1 lemon, thinly sliced

    How to make it

    Combine all ingredients in pitcher.
    Drink all in one day.
    (if you let it sit overnight, the flavors are stronger...personal preference)

    Thank you! I will have to try that. :)

    I forgot to add that the water must be super hot when you make it. Let it steep for an hour or two or overnight and then put it in the fridge and drink cold.

    It's sooo refreshing. It taste like something a wonderful day spa would serve you. Every one asks for it when they come to my house for a visit.
  • cari4jc1
    cari4jc1 Posts: 233
    I've found that drinking "Sassy Water" every day helps with water weight. The only time I get now it is if I eat something very salty.

    Here is the recipe for Sassy Water. I love it and think it's delicious. It also aids in digestion.


    2 liters water
    1 tsp fresh, grated ginger
    12 mint leaves
    1 cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
    1 lemon, thinly sliced

    How to make it

    Combine all ingredients in pitcher.
    Drink all in one day.
    (if you let it sit overnight, the flavors are stronger...personal preference)

    Thank you! I will have to try that. :)

    I forgot to add that the water must be super hot when you make it. Let it steep for an hour or two or overnight and then put it in the fridge and drink cold.

    It's sooo refreshing. It taste like something a wonderful day spa would serve you. Every one asks for it when they come to my house for a visit.

    Thank you! :)

    Maybe TMI, but I think I know why I'm retaining water like crazy...TOM!! A week early so I never would have thought it would be because of that, but voila! Next week I'll probably drop 5 pounds!! haha