eathing only 500 calories



  • healthyhappyxo
    Yes, it's incredibly bad for you. I went through a stage (before I joined mfp) were I ate around 400-600 calories a day, and that was when I was at my worst with an eating disorder. I lost a lot of weight, but as soon as I started eating more, guess what happened? All the weight went back on and more. It can also lead to health problems if your nutrition levels are persistently low. The eating regime you have now realistically isn't sustainable so I suggest that you up your calories gradually to 1200, keep increasing your intake if you need to. It's likely that you'll put a bit of weight on at the start, but if you eat healthily and exercise it will come back off and stay off. Good luck.
  • sherrybaby81
    sherrybaby81 Posts: 257 Member
    Question: If people are eating so few calories a day, then why do they need MFP? Just askin. sounds like they do not have a prob with food like a lot of us did. :) i was eating excess of 3000 cal a day before MFP. Now I gross 1700-2200 a day and my body does fine.
    By the sounds of it, she is still learning. I am sure that there are many people on this site that didn't know anything about counting calories until they got into it. I sure didn't! I still don't know everything about nutrition and fitness. It doesn't hurt for someone to ask questions. Isn't that the point of this message board? For support and guidance?
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    Options sister was on the "Dr. Assisted Diet" with the B12 shot, Adipex, and 50 calorie a day limit. She was walking every day for at least 20 min. She dropped 55 lbs in 4 1/2 months. She is recovering from a mini-stroke right now. She had it a few days ago, at the age of 27!!!! Her Potassium level and Electrolytes were almost non-existentent. I would not advise you doing this, at all.

    What type of doctor would assist in this type of diet?! 50 cals? No one can survive on that!

    meant to say 500 calories..oops.

    How scary! I'm glad she is recovering though- hope that her body can make a full recovery. I would file a complaint against that doctor if I was her!

    just scares me :( i told her the same thing!
  • kiki2289
    kiki2289 Posts: 11
    Thank you for all your positive reply.. I always was 120 lbs and I have two little girls one 2 years old and one 4 months and I weight now 185 lbs I have never had to watch what I eat or did really any exercise so this is new for me... I understand some of your comments was really really HELPFUL! I understand more now how the body work.. I will definitely increase my calories.. I do not want to gain more weight... Thank you for the Helpful comment.. I don't need the bad comment on this topic.. I m just a women who is new to this and have question ... that's it!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Thank you for all your positive reply.. I always was 120 lbs and I have two little girls one 2 years old and one 4 months and I weight now 185 lbs I have never had to watch what I eat or did really any exercise so this is new for me... I understand some of your comments was really really HELPFUL! I understand more now how the body work.. I will definitely increase my calories.. I do not want to gain more weight... Thank you for the Helpful comment.. I don't need the bad comment on this topic.. I m just a women who is new to this and have question ... that's it!

    I get that! I was similiar when I started here. I was not not trying to lose, but get ready to compete and I was eating WAY too few calories, thinking less was more. But, I've since learned and eat a lot more now. Best of luck to you!
  • Susan923
    Susan923 Posts: 61
    I am new to this website.. I am sorry I just was wondering.. I am not trying anything I am just curious because I am all excited because its working for me loosing weight but I have this feeling what I am doing is not very healthy!

    Its not very healthy at all and PLEASE don't continue. Check out the forum "Eat More To Weigh Less" .
    Please take a day to just check this out and read everything. You will learn a ton of how to do this the right way.

    Add me as a friend if you would like any advice but please don't stay on this path. :)
  • bdizzle11
    bdizzle11 Posts: 6
    I did a similar diet last winter, having around 400 to 500 calories a day. Then working out for 30-45 mins a day.
    It was for 2 weeks only. I lost 18 pounds but after stopping I gained all 18 pounds back on plus way more. Every day of doing that diet I felt so tired and fatigued, because my body didn't have calories it needed. I would honestly not reccomend doing what you are doing at all.
  • Bearman45
    Bearman45 Posts: 46
    Thank you for all your positive reply.. I always was 120 lbs and I have two little girls one 2 years old and one 4 months and I weight now 185 lbs I have never had to watch what I eat or did really any exercise so this is new for me... I understand some of your comments was really really HELPFUL! I understand more now how the body work.. I will definitely increase my calories.. I do not want to gain more weight... Thank you for the Helpful comment.. I don't need the bad comment on this topic.. I m just a women who is new to this and have question ... that's it!

    Awesome! You're on the right track... and in the right place!

    Those little girls are worth being healthy for! :happy:
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