Home workouts?



  • squidgely
    squidgely Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, I'm English too but have recently discovered that I don't mind running in any weather, its just so nice to be outside, on my own without my two toddlers. At the moment, with the evenings being lighter, I go once they are in bed at 7pm. I would never have believed I would enjoy running but I think the lack of 'me time' has really sorted that out and now I apreciate anything I can get, even if it involves getting sweaty and breathless!
    If I can't see myself running in the evening, I do 'Ripped in 30'. Yes, Jillian is a bit annoying but these are 20 min workouts that really make you sweat. I do it at lunch time, because I can sit my kids down to eat their lunch safe in the knowledge that they will usually leave me alone for 20 mins as long as they are eating! I think they find my little workout fascinating because they watch me in silence :)
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    Skipping. When we used to live in an apartment my wife would walk/jog up fire stairs for aa change of pace.