Moms and making time!



  • momof4ts
    momof4ts Posts: 118
    Mom of 4 ages 10 to 20 this summer im getting up early like 6 before theywake up or takethem walking with me.
  • ashshields12
    ashshields12 Posts: 54 Member
    It sounds like its been said but you find time. I am a full time mum (to one 7yr old boy), study at university full time and work full time.

    I wake at 5pm to workout and be home before my son wakes at 7am. I then do all te mum stuff, make lunches, feed animals, and organise son and partner for the day.

    My son plays lots of sports, I change into workout clothes when I leave work and when he is doing sports/scouts etc I do some strength/circuit/running on the oval or around the sporting complex. I play netball at night when he's asleep, and also go to Zumba once I have put him to bed. I am doing the c210k at the moment so squeeze that in after I do all the evening chores of running a house hold. Once all that's done I hit the books for study.

    I don't watch much tv. But if you wanna lose weight workouts will soon become your me time.

    So basically I work out when I can. But it's generally 2 times a day, 7 days a week.

    On the weekends I always include some park time with my son and the football, and a bike ride (bout 10kms) each day. Keeps him active too. :-)

    Good luck.
  • mummymichelle
    mummymichelle Posts: 44 Member
    I'm a sort of stay at home mum, my son is 17 months and I go to college one day a week. My mum watches for an hour twice a week so I can work out, the other 3 days he's at nursery in the mornings so I go then. It's not easy, but it's important to make time for yourself and don't feel guilty about it :) I used to feel guilty leaving him when he was younger, but I'll be around for longer and be a healthier mum the more weight I lose :)