What do you do when you don't like vegtables!

I am watching what I eat and do not eat over my 1200 calories but I do not eat vegtables, I dislike them so much! I did try and eat Cauliflower last night with I don't believe its not butter but only got maybe 1/4 cup if that. I know when tomatoes are fresh I will try and eat them along with greenbeans if they are fresh! Any suggestions?


  • moea432
    moea432 Posts: 75 Member
    i was there too but i have come to really like them in the last few months! if not veggies eat fruit! fruit is just as good! but try to eat veggies!
  • 78brownie_wechanged
    I'm a veggie lover but you could try with a green smoothie. You can't taste the veggies in most of them especially when mixed with fruit.
  • rcharlee
    rcharlee Posts: 182 Member
    Maybe try something where you dice or chop the veggies to mix in. Like vegetable lasagna, or a soup.
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 180 Member
    What is it about them do you dislike so much?
    Steamed veggies are kind of boring. Have you tried cooking them other ways? Grilled, roasted, broiled... :love:
    My current fave is to chop up some cauliflower (smallish florets), curry / garlic / red pepper powder / cumin / pepper & some of that olive oil spray & shove it into a 450* oven until its kinda tender but then also the edges are all crispy & a tiny bit charcoaled.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    I buy green veggie supplements.

    You can probably pay me to eat vegetables, but I'm not going to waste money buying them.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    Black bean soup


    Soooooo yummy and filling.

    Also, try taking a jar of your favorite pasta sauce, chop some carrots, bell peppers, squash, spinach, etc. super fine and add them in. You'll never taste the veggies.

    I second the idea of veggie shakes. Whatever fruit you add in will cover the taste of the veggies.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    If you keep eating them, you'll eventually grow to like them. They don't taste great plain though (well maybe with the exception of baby carrots). So there's nothing wrong with using some butter or cheese (as long you account for the calories) along with them to add more taste. Salads can be very tasty, just be careful with your dressing options. But honestly, you're probably far better off in the long run eating salads with unhealthy dressings then not eating veggies at all. And once you get used to eating salads, it's not that hard to eventually change to healthier dressings.

    One thing most people can agree on is that veggies are very important to eat. So get used to eating them!
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    How do you cook them? I find a lot of times people (my dad for example) overcook their veggies A LOT so they're soggy and sour and taste awful. I like to steam mine for a couple minutes or sautee them with herbs. MUCH BETTER. I love crispy veggies so all the time I thought I hated them, I actually just hated the way they were cooked (sorry, dad).

    You could also try adding sauces or something to them. I know sauces are awesome for you but I find that adding a teaspoon of BBQ sauce adds a lot of flavour but you don't get a lot of calories for it. I add it in when sauteeing and so it flavours all the veggies- don't just add it to the top once they're on your plate.

    I find bell peppers are good raw because they're so crunchy. You could dip them in salsa or hummus or something. Just experiment!
  • Krushchev
    Krushchev Posts: 180 Member
    I buy green veggie supplements.

    You can probably pay me to eat vegetables, but I'm not going to waste money buying them.

    .... I think my brain just broke. Aren't the supplements more expensive than just veggies would be?
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    I am watching what I eat and do not eat over my 1200 calories but I do not eat vegtables, I dislike them so much! I did try and eat Cauliflower last night with I don't believe its not butter but only got maybe 1/4 cup if that. I know when tomatoes are fresh I will try and eat them along with greenbeans if they are fresh! Any suggestions?

    Learn to like them. Try cooking them in different ways.
  • neverlost
    neverlost Posts: 121 Member
    I buy green veggie supplements.

    What brand of veggie supplements do you use?
  • cassietn
    cassietn Posts: 48
  • MelC2564
    MelC2564 Posts: 182 Member
    MASH THEM! :p With a potato or a sweet potato. Mmmmm.
  • DBell28
    DBell28 Posts: 45
    I throw veggies into egg white omelets almost every AM. Good way to sneak them in.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Try different vegetables. Find different ways to prepare them. Eat fruit instead. Simple as that.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Eat. Them.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    What do you do? You eat them anyway.

    I used to despise raw tomatoes (yeah, I know it's a fruit), but I made myself eat them because I knew they were good for me. At first I would cut them up really small and bury that in a salad. Over time I have come to like them and will always have tomato on a sandwich or burger when I can.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    change your palette.. seriously, veggies are good for you the more you eat the more you will get used to the taste

    cauliflower is a bit of a strong tasting vegetable anyway, but you can try cooking it and mashing it like mashed potatoes
  • markyp33
    markyp33 Posts: 25
    I generally avoid them, but if they irritate me a lot - I ask them to wait outside. You meet a lot of vegetables at football matches abroad - it's just a hazard of going to away England games. I find cabbages are very common ones.
  • jagwab
    jagwab Posts: 93
    Put your big girl/boy panties on and eat them anyways. It's what I had to do. Still don't like them but tolerate most of them as best as I can.