Have lost almost 70lbs and now I have stopped?

I know, I see this question pop up a lot in here, but this isnt normal for me. As I said, I have lost almost 70lbs within the past 17 months. I started out at 221lbs and ever since I got into the 150's I have stopped losing. I have never, ever hit a hault in my weightloss this entire journey, so Im really confused. Recently, within the past 5 weeks, I have taken up running to try and jumpstart my weightloss again. I started the c25k program, did the first 4 weeks within the guidelines then this week I started just running 2 miles, 3 days per week. 7 days ago I started 30 days shred and have done it every day, and I plan on doing it everyday for 30 days. The days I dont run, I go to the gym to do the elliptical and some weights. As you can see I have really been trying to "up" the workouts to try and jumpstart the weightloss again. I know my food diary is private but I can assure you I stay within my calories every single day, with the exeption of one day per week, i purposly go over to try and keep my metabolism guessing. I keep up on water, aiming for 10 cups per day. I eat a healthy variety of foods, trying to stay away from processed food/sugar, though sometimes I will have a treat as long as I am within my calories. I usually eat anywhere from 1250-1400 depending on my excersise calories Ive earned that day, I try to eat 1/2 of them back. Im also 5'3 and have a ultimate goal of 130 and that just seems impossible right now because I cannot get out of the 150's, Ive been here for months! Sorry this is so dang long, im just trying to give you guys as much infoin hopes someone can help me. Thanks for reading.


  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Try eating all of your exercise calories back rather than half and see if that works.

    Seems like doing more isn't cutting it....maybe do less by giving your poor body a rest day here and there (you exercise a lot :smile: )?
  • ably65
    ably65 Posts: 41
    First of all, congratulations on the 70 pound weight loss!

    One of my many diet books (I can't remember which one) recommended completely switching your diet for a couple of weeks to get through a plateau. The theory is that it shocks your body because your body has become accustomed to what you are eating.

    So, if you have been eating a balanced, healthy diet switch to a very low fat diet or a very low carb diet for a couple of weeks. Then, return to the way you were eating.

    Also, years before I had my baby I lost 15 pounds. The first 7 pounds or so came off easily and then, nothing. Then, I went on vacation and didn't exercise at all for two weeks. I lost the rest during that time. Maybe try taking a week off from intense exercise. Just go for walks every day or do a slow yoga class. Maybe your body needs a break...