Professional/advice for a 22 overachiever blonde, please?

22 years old – 167cm tall – 57kg
I lost 5 kg, I want to loose 2 more and stay 55 forever if possible xD
I want to be more tight and firm, but do not want to gain more muscle. Should I use protein powder after my workouts and what kinds? Btw. I work out everyday for at least an hour - Turbofire program and Im almost done with it , its my 17th week out of 20. And what should I train afterwards?
Calorie intake - 1200


  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Can I get the cliff notes for this? :flowerforyou:
  • minnie_monroe
    I suppose this is what you mean :P
    22 years old – 167cm tall – 57kg
    I lost 5 kg since February, I want to loose 2 more and stay 55 forever if possible :)
    I want to be more tight and firm, but do not want to gain muscle like bodybuilders. Should I use protein powder after my workouts and what kind? Btw.I work out everyday for at least an hour - Turbofire program and Im almost done with it , its my 17th week out of 20 :) And what should I train afterwards?
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    I suppose this is what you mean :P
    22 years old – 167cm tall – 57kg
    I lost 5 kg since February, I want to loose 2 more and stay 55 forever if possible :)
    I want to be more tight and firm, but do not want to gain muscle like bodybuilders. Should I use protein powder after my workouts and what kind? Btw.I work out everyday for at least an hour - Turbofire program and Im almost done with it , its my 17th week out of 20 :) And what should I train afterwards?

    Ah, better. :)

    I personally recommend that you do start to lift heavier weights. It is VERY VERY hard for women to bulk up. Look through my pics...I don't think I look bulky and I lift heavy. That is really the best way to get firm. Protein supplements are a great way to meet your daily protein goal when you don't get enough from regular foods, but they aren't necessary if you get enough protein with out them.
  • minnie_monroe
    oh, well no you dont :D Id like to look like that :) but the thing is that I find even these building muscle trainings with turbofire extremely boring. I really like working out on the beat of a good song and to hop around. And its preferable for me to workout at home, I dont know why. Maybe I should try Chaleane Extreme after the Turbofire program? Are you familiar with it?
  • brunochains
    brunochains Posts: 9 Member
    Hi regarding whey protein I would advise u to use it only if u want to tone and add some muscle to your body. Don't worry about bulking up cuz as a woman u only produce a certain amout of testosterone which won't br enough to build too much. Why don't u try a program that works on overall strength which will definitely tone your body and increase your fitness level. If u try this pure whey is the best choice with some BCAA. Good luck
  • minnie_monroe
    I really thought that Turbofire was considered overall strength though. I guess I could try out something new. And BCAA you mean like in pills?
    Btw. thanks :)
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Sorry -- I only know how to counsel brunettes.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Why was your hair colour relevant?
  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152

    ^^ Please read extensively. None of it is probably what you want to hear but it honestly changed my life.
  • bigbcor
    bigbcor Posts: 5 Member
    The biggest plateau I think a lot of women end up with is not adding weight to their strength training routine, which stops the muscle building process. It is a proven theory that every bit of muscle you add causes your body to burn more calories per day at rest. However doing the same weight does not add muscle, you have to utilize the theory of progressive overload. The theory basically states that you have to constantly challenge your body by increasing weight, even if you only add a 1 lb each time. They say its something around an extra 50 calories burned a day, per extra pound muscle weight. Sorry I did not convert that to KG. SO basically if you added some extra muscle you may not have a problem getting that 1400 cals per day vs the 1200 your at now..just a thought.
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member

    ^^ Please read extensively. None of it is probably what you want to hear but it honestly changed my life.
    I second this! I was losing on low cal diet but felt so sluggish and un-energized! you will gain at first but totally worth it!
  • minnie_monroe
    Dude I donno. Im kinda new at all this posting as you can see. I just need some advice, thats all.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Can I get the cliff notes for this? :flowerforyou:

    ^ lmao, this! I read 2 sentences & stopped.
  • minnie_monroe
    Haha. sorry xD As I said. My first post. Anyways, thank you guys. I really appreciate every advice, and it will be taken under consideration otherwise I would not be writing this :)
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Professional/advice for a 22 overachiever blonde, please?

    Advice: Either write smaller essays and get to the point faster or write a tl;dr version

    Not trying to be mean but highly doubt somebody will read all of this
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    I used to feel like the only way I could feel good after a workout was after exhausting myself on an elliptical to some good beats. But now I lift and I actually feel a lot better and like a lot of the problems I used to have are starting to get better. For example, now that I am doing squats and dead lifts I feel like my posture is waaaayyy better and I feel like I don't get as bad of shin splints when I run, jog, or walk for extended amounts of time.
    I am not saying that lifting will help you lose those 2kg on the scale since it may cause you to gain a bit of weight from muscle, but lifting really does seem to help keep things interesting and satisfying, at least for me.

    ETA: There is a crap ton more I can add to this post but I would like to add that it sounds like if you're not getting enough protein from your food, then you should try out some protein powders until you find one that you like and that doesn't cause your digestive system to get all funky....ahem:blushing: ......
    Personally, I use Designer Whey since it's at Trader Joe's (where I do almost all of my shopping) and because it's affordable for me. I love the flavor and texture (some can be really hard to choke down).

    That's enough for this post. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member

    ^^ Please read extensively. None of it is probably what you want to hear but it honestly changed my life.
    I second this! I was losing on low cal diet but felt so sluggish and un-energized! you will gain at first but totally worth it!

    Really - this is what you need to do. I went from 1200 to 1500 and no more headaches, crankiness, fatigue. I lose a pound every week like clockwork. Check out eat more to weigh less - it works.
  • CaWaterBug8
    CaWaterBug8 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Professional/advice for a 22 overachiever blonde, please?

    Advice: Either write smaller essays and get to the point faster or write a tl;dr version

    Not trying to be mean but highly doubt somebody will read all of this

    I didn't. I know, horrible of me, right?:tongue:
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member
    Professional/advice for a 22 overachiever blonde, please?

    Advice: Either write smaller essays and get to the point faster or write a tl;dr version

    Not trying to be mean but highly doubt somebody will read all of this

    I didn't. I know, horrible of me, right?:tongue:

    I read it all.... but maybe I'm just weird
  • minnie_monroe
    thank you for that, but obviously im too new at this. way too much criticism so I shortened it :)