
I'm off track and need help/motivation!


  • jaylee512
    jaylee512 Posts: 10
    I am on and off in the motivation department.. but what helps me the most is thinking about why I want to lose weight. Ultimately, I just want to be healthy. I know that losing weight and eating healthier will do nothing but produce positive things... I'll feel better about my self, look better, be able to do more things and have a lot more energy. You really have to find what works for you but I can say that without knowing you at all, I KNOW you can and want do this otherwise you would not be on this site. So go do work! And report back to me soon. haha But really, good luck and just try your best... thats all you can do.
  • kre_78
    kre_78 Posts: 2
    Find a moment to stop and think why you started this journey. Get a good night rest and begin tomorrow with the same enthusiasm that you had in the beginning. Don't give up :) I am new to this program and hoping I will be able to succeed this time.
  • debo47
    debo47 Posts: 7 Member
    Your first step, asking for help, means you have taken the step to get back on the journey. I just feel better when I work out really hard.... even though I've been on a plateau for 4 months DESPITE Insanity and the lovely Shaun T. It's hard to maintain the motivation. The ONLY thing keeping me from a Filet-o-Fish and fries with mayonnaise is the fact that I'll have to do push ups tomorrow and don't want any extra weight. Not even one fry.

    So, that would be my suggestion. Take a long walk, do as many push ups as you can kick out in a minute... do ANYTHING tonight that you will FEEL tomorrow. With every muscle ache you will have your reminder of the positive step you took today.

    It's easy to wake up every morning on a diet and go to bed every evening feeling like you've "cheated" and all the other negative self-talk that comes with that. Do ONE thing tonight while you're thinking about it and you're on your way.

    Baby steps. Hang in there!
  • sunshine638
    sunshine638 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks so much ladies... I printed out a workout I can do at home because I can't seem to make it to the gym. Trying it tomorrow morning. This site is fantastic, I really needed a lift. Good luck ladies and if you want support, feel free to add me!
  • fishiesintheseaa
    fishiesintheseaa Posts: 45 Member
    I am also struggling with motivation so I feel like a hypocrite writing this, but whaaatever! Ha ha. Some of the things I like to think about are all the reasons that I shoould be motivated; all the things I have always know but always forget. Eating well and working out will make us feel good, will give us more energy, will make our skin look better, will help our bodies look better, will give us more confidence, will give us a sense of accomplishment. The list goes on and on! Good luck with your at home workouts. If your printout isn't doing the trick, you should check out these videos on youtube:
    The total body workouts are quick (30 minutes) but they seriously get you sweating and feeling sore the next day. And its nice because even though the people who are doing the workouts are super in shape, you can see them sweating and tired too, so its a bit more realistic. Anyways, good luck! (: