Diet Soda (for those who gave it up)



  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I have never been able to drink diet soda, because the chemical sweeteners give me migraines and make me nauseous.
    When I started dieting, I just stopped drinking soda cold turkey.
    I just stopped buying soda and now only drink water and herbal tea.
    This took a while to get used to, but now I actually prefer regular water over soda.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I will say that I am addicted to Diet Mt Dew. I used to drink a 12 pack at day. No water at all. Now, I have about 2 cans a day, sometimes 3, but I drink about 10 cups of water a day now.
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    i found when i drank 1 diet soda a day i would turn into this huge jerk always making rude comments and i would constantly say sexual things to every woman i met i knew something had to be done..............i drink 5 cans of diet soda a day now
  • Jani2416
    Jani2416 Posts: 275 Member
    I gave it up when I started dieting in January, all I drink during the day is water. I feel fine.
  • ricardo2navarro
    I drank Diet soda since I was about five years old, gave it up about a year ago, don't regret it! I just drink water and tea(green tea or w.e with no added sugar) and I think its the best decision I have made. I was never like a binge eater but I was drinking soda like water, and In the end after a week I realized I did not need it and since then I have come a long way and have been able to manage my appetite much better.