Does Anyone Else Have A Fitbit?

I got the fitbit ultra for my birthday and I am LOVING it. If anyone else has seen results with pairing the fitbit and MFP, please add me :) It'd be great to have more similarly minded motivation and support.


  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Bought one off ebay for myself yesterday. Figured I will give it a try, to find out my TDEE if nothing else.
    I hope it isn't going to be too difficult to sync it to mfp etc, and work out how to use. I am into gadgets but lazy in reading manuals and the like. Managed to get a buy it now for £55 which is like £24 cheaper than on Amazon.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Setting it up or using it isn't hard but there is a little bit of a learning curve in understanding how the data is used and works together. Reading the fitbit group threads on MFP is helpful.
  • vitamindesi
    vitamindesi Posts: 16 Member
    Yeah, it was actually super easy....not difficult at all. I was surprised. I'm hoping to keep up with some people to see how it motivates them and whatnot. I know seeing the calories I burn just doing day to day things and how many steps I've taken is'll have to let me know how you like it when you finally receive it!
  • Lilip0p
    Lilip0p Posts: 36
    Me! Just not quite got around to using it yet. Ahem.
  • alfpalmer
    alfpalmer Posts: 150 Member
    I've had mine for a couple of years - absolutely love it!
    It was replaced a month or so ago and i didn't have any down time - can't imagine not checking my fitbit every day to see how i'm doing.
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    compared it to my HRM and there were pretty close to each other even when i am lifting. I love mine and how it takes the guessing game out of calories burned. Plus it only sends extra calories to MFP when you have earned it. add me if you'd like.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I've had mine since January... I'm not sure if it's helping me... I've had 2 replacements though because they would stop working...
  • sarahwls100609
    sarahwls100609 Posts: 38 Member
    I bought one for an early bday gift to myself. I love it. I have it sync to MFP and absolutely love it. I am still learning but, love it. :)
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Got mine yesterday, it took a full day to sync to MFP. I was getting discouraged but it is working now and i know i will like it.
  • vitamindesi
    vitamindesi Posts: 16 Member
    Sometimes it does take a while for the information to go back and forth between each other, but so far I've had complete success. I believe my favorite feature is using my activity history to estimate how many calories I have alloted for the rest of the day. I lovelovelove that!!
  • jcs0530
    jcs0530 Posts: 70 Member
    I had to tailor my calories down. With the reccomended calories MFP was suggesting and the adjustments the fitbit were making, my weight was starting to creep up. Its all good now.
  • Malissas
    Malissas Posts: 64 Member
    I love my fitbit!
    I love how it holds up to 2 weeks of data when I go on holiday and cant sync it.
    Just by having it, it reminds me to get up and walk around during the day - which I really need to do more often than I do.
    I don't add any exercise into MFP I let fitbit send the info over.
  • nannabannana
    nannabannana Posts: 787
    YES..Bought last wek of April. Was in a May challenge to do 10,000 steps per day. Did over 419,00
    Am in several challenges now. Yesterday was my best day ever..22,301 steps. I love the has changed my life.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I think mine gives me too many calories to eat but I still use it and still lose weight. I just don't always eat all my calories.
  • magneticreikipaul
    magneticreikipaul Posts: 61 Member
    love my fit bit
    feel free to add me
  • stuntpilot51
    stuntpilot51 Posts: 53 Member
    I just started using fitbit yesterday and was surprised at how active I was during the day.

    I had to change my MFP activity level to sedentary to make it more realistic in adding calories, I agree that it gives you a bit too many calories back. Being an electrician I knew I was active but didn't know how much.

    No need to worry about a manual as they don't provide one. Very easy to set up and sync to your computer and phone, although the android app doesn't show all the features the computer does.
  • Elsieblue
    Elsieblue Posts: 11
    Hey, I bought mine 2 days ago and love it. I have sent you a friend request as I'd really like some fitbit friends!
  • Granny07
    Granny07 Posts: 31 Member
    I am getting mine Mon., I can't wait to get it set up. I have my profile on Fitbit already set up. I already have a friend on there, and I don't even have it yet. LOL! I will have to get more friends.:flowerforyou:
  • seniorfaye
    seniorfaye Posts: 295 Member
    Carol, I'll be your friend when I figure out how to send it !! Lol
  • jim1409
    jim1409 Posts: 1

    I am using an OMRON device clipped to waist of pants that counts steps taken daily. It resets every night and keeps track of seven days of steps. Got it from ebay by shopping.