Has anyone else felt sick after eating unhealthy foods?



  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    No - I feel awesome unless I eat broccoli. It's really the only food I eat that always makes me feel bad. :laugh:

    But, what do you consider 'unhealthy'?
  • LauraCarlson86
    nausea, heart burn, and GUILT!! :(
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    Anyone else noticed this post is 15 months old and op hasn't logged on for the last 3 months?

    sugary foods coma?? :drinker: :laugh:
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    Taco bell now puts me directly on the toilet and I feel sick for hours after. Used to eat that all the time.
  • cctc21np
    cctc21np Posts: 25 Member
  • cctc21np
    cctc21np Posts: 25 Member
    We've been eating almost 100% clean here too for about the last two months. I've not deviated, but I know that hubby has tried to eat a few "normal" things every once in a blue moon while at work and seriously regretted it afterwards....he said it was like instant nausea and heartburn. He's started turning down food offers just because he doesn't want to feel like crap afterwards. Now we are too afraid to even attempt to eat out.......instead we spend the money that we would have spent at the restaurant to buy fancy ingredients and make our own fancy meals and desserts...and eat them "al dente" on the patio. I don't think I could bring myself to eat something not "clean" now....simply for fear of the physical consequences.

    You mean "al fresco"?

    Good idea though! I like it!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Oh yeah. Feel like I swallowed a brick. This does work well though. I try what I get a get a craving for, then later remember why I don't eat it anymore. Had a cheese burger about 6 weeks ago. Still remember that enough not to have tried another one.

    I ate 1/4 of it, and about 5 shoestring fries. Finished the scraped patty for the proteins

    Are cheeseburgers unhealthy?

    Whelp, I'm screwed.

    that makes two of us!
  • ToFatT0B3S1ck
    ToFatT0B3S1ck Posts: 194 Member
    All the time. I couldn't go back to eating the way I use to even if I wanted to. Anything to fatty such as pizza makes me so sick. I can't eat much dairy that often either. A slice of cheese on a sandwich but no milk what so ever.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - Nope, never, nada, ever, ever, ever have I had this problem....I eat what I want, make room from it in my diary and move on ...I love Fried chicken but only have it few times a year, pizza - I'm all in; cheeseburgers like once a month!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Oh yeah, I think it is pretty common to see this after eating well. My hubby even pointed out that we probably both felt sick all the time when we ate processed foods but now we are more aware of it.

    ummm no, plenty of people on my friends list eat all kinds of stuff and do not have this problem..so lets not generalize...

    IMO this is a mental thing....
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    When I lived in a less developed country for two years and "ate clean" just because that's what people did, I actually found that my body handled junk like McDonald's better than ever. I attributed it to my body being a well-oiled machine from being so healthy, so an occasional visit to McD's could just be taken in stride.

    However, more recently, I went to Dairy Queen. My husband loves his Blizzards, and I had enough calories available for a mini, so I suggested we go. I ended up in so much pain just a bit later and all the way into morning. I can't say for sure that it was the Blizzard-could have been some cauliflower I had for dinner--but I definitely won't be craving DQ anytime soon! (Note: I don't make a point of "eating clean," but I do typically eat pretty healthy.)
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Nope. I never cut them out - I refused to set myself up for the mentality that I "failed" at my diet because I had something salty or sugary. I just learned portion control and moderation. (I do have to say though, I lift so my portions are HUGE! :tongue: )
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Oh yeah, I think it is pretty common to see this after eating well. My hubby even pointed out that we probably both felt sick all the time when we ate processed foods but now we are more aware of it.

    ummm no, plenty of people on my friends list eat all kinds of stuff and do not have this problem..so lets not generalize...

    IMO this is a mental thing....

    Perhaps the difference is if you ever actually stopped consuming something or not for whatever extended period of time.

    I certainly know that my physical reaction to certain foods now is most certainly NOT in my head.

    I never set out to eliminate anything and am also not ever advocating that other people do. I have no issues with eating "unhealthy" or "junk" foods as proven by the fact that I was quite happy to have them. It was a simple case of having reduced eating certain foods less and less often, as on fewer calories I liked to feel fuller for longer and wanted to get more bang for my buck so to speak which resulted in me eating cleaner. But whenever I return to things that never used to cause problems when I was eating them frequently (deep fried fish in batter, McD, KFC, Indian take-aways etc) whenever I have them now I feel sick afterwards. Simple as. I know myself well enough to know what's effectively psychosomatic and what's not! Often I actually really enjoy eating it in the moment, but it's shortly after that the meal sits in mys stomach like a brick and I end up being sick.

    Strikes me that there are a hell of a lot of people on this thread having similar experiences.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It's a common reaction to eating a type of food you've not had in a long time. Has nothing to do with being 'healthy' or not.

    Funny how it never happens with carrots eh? :huh:

    Really? :huh:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    It's a common reaction to eating a type of food you've not had in a long time. Has nothing to do with being 'healthy' or not.

    Funny how it never happens with carrots eh? :huh:

    Really? :huh:

    I was just thinking about how many people come here and start loading up on veg and fruit and what not and all of a sudden are complaining of painful gas, constipation, etc. I would agree that it's a pretty common reaction to eating (or drinking) anything you have not had in a long time or have not consumed a lot of. An increase in fiber in the diet for example can lead to all kinds of discomfort initially...but fiber is good for ya right?

    People go the majority of their lives eating dairy...then they cut it out or cut back and become rather intolerant of it. Vegetarians who eventually turn back to eating meat and poultry generally have to incorporate those foods slowly to allow the body to re-develop the enzymes necessary to deal with that. It doesn't have anything to do with the nutritional value of the actual food in most cases. Exception being Taco Bell...that **** will just give you the ****s regardless...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Oh yeah, I think it is pretty common to see this after eating well. My hubby even pointed out that we probably both felt sick all the time when we ate processed foods but now we are more aware of it.

    ummm no, plenty of people on my friends list eat all kinds of stuff and do not have this problem..so lets not generalize...

    IMO this is a mental thing....

    Perhaps the difference is if you ever actually stopped consuming something or not for whatever extended period of time.

    I certainly know that my physical reaction to certain foods now is most certainly NOT in my head.

    I never set out to eliminate anything and am also not ever advocating that other people do. I have no issues with eating "unhealthy" or "junk" foods as proven by the fact that I was quite happy to have them. It was a simple case of having reduced eating certain foods less and less often, as on fewer calories I liked to feel fuller for longer and wanted to get more bang for my buck so to speak which resulted in me eating cleaner. But whenever I return to things that never used to cause problems when I was eating them frequently (deep fried fish in batter, McD, KFC, Indian take-aways etc) whenever I have them now I feel sick afterwards. Simple as. I know myself well enough to know what's effectively psychosomatic and what's not! Often I actually really enjoy eating it in the moment, but it's shortly after that the meal sits in mys stomach like a brick and I end up being sick.

    Strikes me that there are a hell of a lot of people on this thread having similar experiences.

    there are a hell a lot of people who are not having this experience; my point was, just because "some" people have this issue, does not mean that we can extend it to the whole population.

    Some people will die in auto accidents, does it mean that we all will? No...
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    Oh yeah, I think it is pretty common to see this after eating well. My hubby even pointed out that we probably both felt sick all the time when we ate processed foods but now we are more aware of it.

    ummm no, plenty of people on my friends list eat all kinds of stuff and do not have this problem..so lets not generalize...

    IMO this is a mental thing....

    Perhaps the difference is if you ever actually stopped consuming something or not for whatever extended period of time.

    I certainly know that my physical reaction to certain foods now is most certainly NOT in my head.

    I never set out to eliminate anything and am also not ever advocating that other people do. I have no issues with eating "unhealthy" or "junk" foods as proven by the fact that I was quite happy to have them. It was a simple case of having reduced eating certain foods less and less often, as on fewer calories I liked to feel fuller for longer and wanted to get more bang for my buck so to speak which resulted in me eating cleaner. But whenever I return to things that never used to cause problems when I was eating them frequently (deep fried fish in batter, McD, KFC, Indian take-aways etc) whenever I have them now I feel sick afterwards. Simple as. I know myself well enough to know what's effectively psychosomatic and what's not! Often I actually really enjoy eating it in the moment, but it's shortly after that the meal sits in mys stomach like a brick and I end up being sick.

    Strikes me that there are a hell of a lot of people on this thread having similar experiences.

    there are a hell a lot of people who are not having this experience; my point was, just because "some" people have this issue, does not mean that we can extend it to the whole population.

    Some people will die in auto accidents, does it mean that we all will? No...

    I don't know where you're going with this argument.

    I never claimed it was something that EVERYONE experiences.

    I just felt that, being one of those who DOES happen to experience this reaction, the unsubstantiated piece of armchair psychoanalysis "it's all in your mind" is a little patronising. That's all.
  • Hildy_J
    Hildy_J Posts: 1,050 Member
    too... much... smug...

    I'm out!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    It's more a guilty feeling for me than a sick feeling


    It's probably more psychosomatic.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    sadly yes, I think long and hard before I eat 'bad' foods. I know I'm not going to stop eating them forever so i try to keep my body familiar with them in hopes that some day my body will adapt to having them once in a while.