Working ...

I have been working at my weight loss for over a year now. I am finding it to be one of the biggest challenges' I am facing and that is saying a lot for a full time student. Every time I start to get on track and see the results I want there comes this moment, a weekend or a week back at home where all of my goals and good eating are thrown out the window. I stop tracking my food, I stop exercising and worst of all I stop caring. I do not know how to over come this. Every time I go home I gain weight. How do I get my self on track and stay on track with out losing motivation, with out losing my drive and determination. I am doing this for me and it is so much easier to be selfish when I am at school than when I am at home. How do I do this every day and not lose faith in my self? Thanks for the help.


  • How is trying to make yourself healthier and happier selfish??
    You need to set your mind to staying on track when you go home for a visit... and if you do go off track, get right back on, right away... don't let one lapsed meal or snack turn into a lapsed day or week or month.
    You are worth it and you need to make your efforts a priority... when you do that, others will see you are serious and make your efforts a priority too!
    Don't give up!
  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    First of all, I have tremendous respect for you trying to lose weight while in school. I tried several times throughout college and none of them lasted more than about two weeks.

    To answer your question, I think it's important to know exactly how you're cheating. Are you eating too much when you go home? Do you eat the wrong foods? Is it because there's no healthy food for you when you go home?

    It sounds like what you're probably doing, as Laurie alludes to, is making one "mistake" and letting that single mistake take you entirely out of your plan because you lose faith in your self control. Either that or you make a mistake and realize that you can make a mistake and be perfectly fine so you continue to "cheat" more.

    Either way, I think you need to determine why you are cheating to begin with and adjust your plan so that you don't cheat to begin with. I'm not a fan of having a "cheat meal" because as you have noticed, it can result in giving up your plan.