Top four favorite things to do in this world?

Okay, so here is the Question, what are your favorite things to do in this world, and how often do you do them?
I will start off,

1: Driving fast.
2:Off roading, quads/dirtbikes/ATC aka 3 wheelers.
3: which is right level with number two would be fishing.
4: which is right with number two as well, shooting guns.
Those would probably be my top four things to do in this life.
So now for how often, drive fast, Well define fast?
I haven't been more than 20 over the speed limit in about 4 months.
Atv's ect... Just over a year.
Fishing, about a year and a half.
Guns, about one year, and 7 months.


  • AmericanCowboy76
    AmericanCowboy76 Posts: 99 Member
    Excluding the most common things (sex, cuddling etc) here is my list:

    1. Horseback Riding
    2. Mountain Climbing
    3. Bull Riding
    4. Honky Tonking
  • Beatlegirl66
    Beatlegirl66 Posts: 68 Member
    My favorite things?

    1. Acting in community theater - once a year
    2. Going to a Beatles convention - every August in Chicago
    3. Going to a Disney Theme park - on average every year and a half
    4. Binge eating - don't really do think any more. I used to have "junk food" parties that were so much fun. I might still do that every once in a great while (on New Years Eve) but I no longer binge eat every night.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    spend time with grandkids,camping, cooking and Laughing
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Spedning time with the people I love
    Eating good foods
    Giving to others and making them smile
    Riding my Motorcycle

    I woiuld love to do all these daily!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    1) Parenting ... Every day ;) It is also my least favourite thing to do sometimes, such is life
    2) Coastal walks ... When I get a chance, why I don't live on the coast is baffling
    3) Play my guitars ... Daily is the goal
    4) I play cricket every fortnight in winter and summer ... the game is fun enough but being part a team is great

    Pretty dull life really, I am a man of simple pleasures ... if I could shoehorn in a vital 5th ... Listen to music.
  • littlemoonsandy
    littlemoonsandy Posts: 1,930
    1. least once a week
    2. singing...everyday
    3. wiffle ball...a few times a month
    4.camping...not as often as I'd like.
  • jfort1988
    jfort1988 Posts: 216 Member
    Listen to metal. I do this all the time
    Play video games. Also all the time
    Paper and pencil RPGs (yeah I'm a nerd). Not nearly as much as I'd like
    Reading. Also not as much as I'd like
  • Robin070
    Robin070 Posts: 18 Member
    Right now my favorite things are

    1) Instagram...I'm on there everyday cause who doesn't love pictures??
    2) Partying...every now and then because thats when everyones happy and happy people make me happy
    3) Sleeping...because it's so much to do I don't get a lot of rest so when I do its amazing
    4) Fun things...whatever it may be, I'm open and I can't think of a number 4 anyways
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Climbing rocks
    Walking along rivers and streams
    Hanging out with people I love
  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Surprised nobody has said s ex.
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Surprised nobody has said s ex.

    I agree!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Surprised nobody has said s ex.


    Painting. The smell and feel of it in my hands especially.
    Driving fast with all the windows down. Singing and dancing like a fool
    Dancing in the kitchen every night with the kiddos. We get d o w n
    Working up s sweat at the gym. I don't always love how it feels at the time but I always love how I feel when I'm done
  • Robin070
    Robin070 Posts: 18 Member
    Surprised nobody has said s ex.

    I agree!

    maybe nobody likes it lol
  • Mercenary1914
    Mercenary1914 Posts: 1,087 Member
    Spedning time with the people I love
    Eating good foods
    Giving to others and making them smile
    Riding my Motorcycle

    I woiuld love to do all these daily!

    Who am I kidding...

    Getting BJs
    Giving Or......eos
    Having Or....eos
    Role Playing While Getting BJs, Giving Or....eos...and having Or....eos
  • SSGirlLV
    SSGirlLV Posts: 38 Member
    1. Racing my Camaro!
    2. Traveling
    3. Poolside (toptional!)
    4. Eating good food with people I can't live without!
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Dancing - all the time!
    Waterparks - usually once or twice a year, but I'm always like, "TIME OF MY LIFE" happy. Heheh.
    Long, luxurious baths with books - all the time
    Scary videogames with the husband - Uhhm, well, as often as something good comes out.
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    the 4 things I love to do are:

    painting with oils on canvas....whenever I can
    playing with my grandkids....every day
    fishing...when I can..2 wks. ago
    riding motorcycle.....all the time

    um, not done
    riding my bicycle...all the time
    camping/traveling.....when I get a chance
    walking along the beach....I do it a lot... I live by the beach
    listen to music....all the time
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    con't.........oh and um you know :)
  • RamTX22
    RamTX22 Posts: 165 Member
    1. least once a week
    2. singing...everyday
    3. wiffle ball...a few times a month
    4.camping...not as often as I'd like.

    Fishing , Camping ! awesome !