Anyone else working on couch to 5K?



  • _Emu_
    _Emu_ Posts: 45 Member
    I got up to week 4 and have had to trade it in for swimming instead.
    Problem being that I was evidently not doing enough stretching of my calf muscles before and after running.

    Result - fine while running but afterwards my calf muscles (Gastrocnemius to be specific)
    would just painfully seize up after I had been sitting for a while.

    Apparently the problem is that the muscle can grow too quickly for the surrounding area to adjust properly.
    It's not permanent and does sort itself out eventually.
    Solution is to do plenty of calf stretches and swimming is also recommended.

    Hence my choice to try to do the 5k part in the pool!
    Good luck though guys!!

    thanks for this ^ I dont stretch as much as I know I should,:embarassed: maybe I'll start stretching properly now!
  • spaingirl2011
    spaingirl2011 Posts: 763 Member
    Finished Week 1 today!
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm starting week 2 today! I haven't had any severe pain yet, mostly just discomfort. Hopefully that means I'm stretching enough. I am fully confident going into week 2, but looking at weeks 3 and 4, I get a little nervous. Hope I'm ready!
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Started yesterday and enjoyed it far more than I thought, W1D2 scheduled for tomorrow :-)
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Started today with week 1 day 1. Felt really good running again and was able to keep a faster pace then previous attempts. Will do day 2 on Sunday.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Can someone please tell me more about this as I have no idea what it is :) xx
  • slofitness1978
    slofitness1978 Posts: 91 Member
    Stacey its a training programme for non runners. In a 9wk programme it aims to get you running 5k....! It's really good. I might start mine today! Have you got an iPhone / iPod?? The app is free xx
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member
    Stacey its a training programme for non runners. In a 9wk programme it aims to get you running 5k....! It's really good. I might start mine today! Have you got an iPhone / iPod?? The app is free xx

    Is it only free for iPhone? I have an android and can't seem to find a free one :grumble:
  • Evelyn2050
    Evelyn2050 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm not brave enough to run outside yet. I keep track of my time on the treadmill.

    My whole life I was an inside exerciser - treadmill, bike, even swimming - INSIDE. I started the c25k on my treadmill and then at about week 5, the weather was so gorgeous, I just had to try outside and NOW ... well it's hard to go back to my treadmill. ;)
  • mipanda
    mipanda Posts: 43
    I started this in September... think I did the first week before I fell down my stairs one morning and sprained my ankle =/

    I used that as an excuse to not continue for way too long though. Just started it again today though! It was easier than I remembered it being, I think treadmill might be easier than running on the street!
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    Started today with week 1 day 1. Felt really good running again and was able to keep a faster pace then previous attempts. Will do day 2 on Sunday.

    I've just started and am wondering what pace you run at? I'm running 6 mph but am worried that might be too ambitious when run times increase? Would love to know what others are able to do! Thanks!
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    I have been wanting to do it but cant find a good one I like. I dont have a IPod or anything and one for my phone is stupid. I started a endurance interval training today though at my gym. It is kinda like couch to 5K and I really do like it!!

    The NHS has podcasts that might work for you.
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    I'm on Week 2 day 1. I'm amazed at my progress, I can already see my endurance increasing. I run at least once a week outdoor because that's where I would be if I were in a race and on a treadmill the rest of the time to maintain my speed, etc.
  • blkanmld
    blkanmld Posts: 18 Member
    I am finshing up week 1 tomorrow and I love it!! I have tried to do it before but this time Im going to keep with it. Great way to get into shape and dont worry about your pace once just redo a week to get faster..
  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    I finishes W1D3 yesterday. I started before but got sick and was off for 4 weeks, so I just started over. I spent a week before I started again just walking as fast as I could. Some days I take the dog, some days I don't.

    When I was doing the work out yesterday, about half way through when I was running along, I started getting REALLY winded. I was like WHAT THE HECK! LOL I checked my pedometer and I was running at 5mph. Super fast for a fat girl! No wonder I was so winded. But I was excited to be going that fast without even realizing it. Yeah, it is getting easier.

    I do walk and/or do light weights on the off days. Ive had a couple of unintended off days due to IBS issues, so I do weights on those days, too.

    I signed up for a 5k run/walk on July 4th. Im hoping to be able to run at least half of it.
  • marciawalkerswalkin
    On week 5 and finding it to be a huge help, its going really well for me. Altough I can say that I think this has been the hardest week of it so far. Good luck to all of you who are doing it, keep going you can do it :)
  • cbart2818
    cbart2818 Posts: 188 Member
    I will be finishing W3D3 tonight if the weather stays nice. I love it.... I can not wait to start W4!

    I downloaded the C25k app made by ZenLabs - free and it is the best app! No messing around with timers, it is all done and set-up, ready to go!

    Good Luck!
  • chelll224
    chelll224 Posts: 52 Member
    I started C25K last year at this time, but I had cut calories and got myself so run down I ended up with shingles. I've been on mfp for about a month now, attempting the primal way of eating, and I feel much stronger. I'm doing W2D3 tonight. So far so good! It's encouraging to hear from others who didn't think they could do this, actually do it. Go us!!! :smile:
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    I have been wanting to do it but cant find a good one I like. I dont have a IPod or anything and one for my phone is stupid. I started a endurance interval training today though at my gym. It is kinda like couch to 5K and I really do like it!!

    I did my Couch 2 5K on a treadmill and there is a treadmill conversion. It's not an app. I never used an app - I just did it on the treadmill and kept looking at the time and slowing down to a walk, then speeding up to run. Now I'm running on the roads and loving it but I think it's fine to do it at the gym on a treadmill. :)
  • Elizadolots
    Elizadolots Posts: 178
    I am enjoying it a lot, though it is also stop/start with me. I'm only going into week 5 now, but hope to stick with it!

    Sorry to hear about your news.