Is anyone elses weight keeping them from getting jobs?



  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I am pretty sure employment law says it's illegal to ask for full body or other pictures for the job unless it's a bona fide qualification (actor, etc).

    FYI, I used to work at a major software company, and my friend in HR told me recruiters would mark applications when the applicant was overweight or fat. This was 20 years ago, so it's not new. Wrong but happens.
  • stackhead
    stackhead Posts: 121 Member
    Lets be honest if you get an interview most interviewers will be judging on appearance, and that includes being overweight. However having to send in photos with an application is crazy in my books - unless you work in promotions or something where looks are important...

    The Japan thing though - awesome they are taking steps to avoid obesity, but maybe going too far?
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    in japan

    Everyone I know thinks of Japanese people as being healthy and slim. Their traditional diet contains a lot of fish and vegetables. But Japan’s government is worried about people becoming overweight. In fact they are so concerned about it, they’ve enacted a law requiring people from the age of 40 to 74 to undergo measurements.


    In Japan, thats crazy. I guess here they are worried too. I saw a thing on the Austin local news where they are working on passing a law that requires restaurants to make children's meal to be less favorable and more bland so in theory they will eat less and not get over weight. In America, they destroyed McDonalds when it comes to taste. Weird thing is, they made McDonalds change everything and now their food is so bland compared to before and Americans are more overweight than before. It just seems the focus is on weight instead of health. They make it seem like the only way to be healthy is to be skinny.

    @cloud2011 They did that at my old place too. Its so messed up.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    You are overlooking a key issue here, Overweight folks, like smokers have more health issues, use more sick leave, and are more injury prone on the job. It is probably more about economics. If overweight folks were cheaper to employ they would all want them.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Two years ago I was unemployed looking for a job in financial services in Central London. I would get interviews for jobs I was over qualified for, but never job offers. In hindsight I think the fact I was obese, middle aged & female did not help me, although it is worth pointing out the market as a whole was deflated at that point in time. Some poeple perceive overweight people as lazy, and although the discrimination is not overt, it is still there. Eventually I did find a suitable role, but it was initially at a lower salary than I had been used to.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    You are overlooking a key issue here, Overweight folks, like smokers have more health issues, use more sick leave, and are more injury prone on the job. It is probably more about economics. If overweight folks were cheaper to employ they would all want them.

    So do single moms, people with disabilities, elderly, and people who beat cancer so does that mean people shouldnt hire them either? I would think people who text in their interviews, people who do drugs or drink alot, and people with unstable job history are more costly. It should be about qualifications and work history, not appearance. Just because someone is like 30lbs overweight doenst mean they are unhealthy. There are many factors that are involved in ones health, not just by their belt size.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Right now there is a work-related inquiry going on against "Mary Lou's Coffee Shop" for discrimination and their highly questionable hiring practices - they only hire young, extremely thin and very attractive girls 18-25 types...

    The problem was later disclosed that there are previous applicants who filed a complaint with the EOCC siting that they were not given the opportunity for a position, they had extensive employment-related experience and they were older women...not as model-ish as their staff, but lets face it, one would be justified in feeling they didnt look like the mold they are striving for.

    Its a rigorous and difficult path to prove discrimination.

    Hell, I live in New Hampshire - they can get away with not hiring you, get away with firing you and letting you go... its hard to prove unjustifiable actions here...
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    You are overlooking a key issue here, Overweight folks, like smokers have more health issues, use more sick leave, and are more injury prone on the job. It is probably more about economics. If overweight folks were cheaper to employ they would all want them.

    So do single moms, people with disabilities, elderly, and people who beat cancer so does that mean people shouldnt hire them either? I would think people who text in their interviews, people who do drugs or drink alot, and people with unstable job history are more costly. It should be about qualifications and work history, not appearance. Just because someone is like 30lbs overweight doenst mean they are unhealthy. There are many factors that are involved in ones health, not just by their belt size.

    I never said they shouldn't hire them just stating the facts, and I would contend that the others you mentioned above more than likely have problems finding work as well. I.m over 55 and I know the issues. Just stating the facts.
  • lewench
    lewench Posts: 4 Member
    My weight is not keeping me from a job but is about to kicked me kicked me out if I don't loose it.

    Try being in the military and be overweight. Talk about wanting everyone to look like Barbie and Ken!!!

    I broke my back and had a three level spinal fusion. During the time I have been down (2 1/5 years) I definitely packed on some weight but do you think they care? NO! I had to go do a waist only measurement PT test 3 weeks before I went in for surgery when I could barely walk and was having bladder issue when I stood up. Not like I was exercising during that time.... Then another waist only measurement PT test 5 months after surgery which was two weeks after I got rid of my walker. I have failed two more PT tests since I am still not able to do any hi-impact cardio exercises.

    I have recently put my self on a severe weight loss plan that includes walking 30-40 minutes a day and a caloric intake of around 500-600 which has turned me into a total cranky *kitten* at work. BUT its working, I have loss 8 lbs in the last week. The civilian dietitian that I am working with to make sure I am getting enough nutrients is happy with my progress and so is my Commander.

    The walking has given me more energy and watching the weight on the scale go down is getting by confidence back.
  • marshallexi
    marshallexi Posts: 162 Member
    Is it actually illegal anywhere? In the UK for employment law we abide by the Equality Act 2010 which is there to harmonise discrimination law across 'protected characteristics' (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/ civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion/belief, sex, sexual orientation), so not hiring someone because they're overweight is not illegal (as would not hiring them because they smoked or supported Chelsea).

    Personally, the only reason my weight held me back was because I was low of confidence, I assumed people were judging me for the way I looked and therefore didn't make the right first impression.

    Stop giving a toss what everyone else thinks and be happy with yourself, that will make an incredible first impression.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    You are overlooking a key issue here, Overweight folks, like smokers have more health issues, use more sick leave, and are more injury prone on the job. It is probably more about economics. If overweight folks were cheaper to employ they would all want them.

    So do single moms, people with disabilities, elderly, and people who beat cancer so does that mean people shouldnt hire them either? I would think people who text in their interviews, people who do drugs or drink alot, and people with unstable job history are more costly. It should be about qualifications and work history, not appearance. Just because someone is like 30lbs overweight doenst mean they are unhealthy. There are many factors that are involved in ones health, not just by their belt size.

    I never said they shouldn't hire them just stating the facts, and I would contend that the others you mentioned above more than likely have problems finding work as well. I.m over 55 and I know the issues. Just stating the facts.

    You are right and it sucks for them but number are not always right either and perfect. I know insurance companies use numbers in their game. My job, I make almost 80K a year because im good at my job and I was chubby and in the public. I havnt taken a sick day in 4 years so I guess im the exception to the profiling. many overweight people are a valuable asset to companies and capable of doign anything skinny can do. Also what about skinny people with eating disorders? Where are they factored in?

    If I wanted to, I wouldnt be able to get a bussers, customer service, serving job making min wage because im 30lbs overweight. Something isnt right here. Based on what ive seen and what my friends are going through, my degree, qualifications, and career history wouldnt be considered because I dont fit the profile. I have friends who have masters and cant even get a job at Target because they are older or have gut.

    The fact is, everyone has to suport their families and pay bills and deserve a shot just like skinny and fit people.
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    You are overlooking a key issue here, Overweight folks, like smokers have more health issues, use more sick leave, and are more injury prone on the job. It is probably more about economics. If overweight folks were cheaper to employ they would all want them.

    So do single moms, people with disabilities, elderly, and people who beat cancer so does that mean people shouldnt hire them either? I would think people who text in their interviews, people who do drugs or drink alot, and people with unstable job history are more costly. It should be about qualifications and work history, not appearance. Just because someone is like 30lbs overweight doenst mean they are unhealthy. There are many factors that are involved in ones health, not just by their belt size.

    I never said they shouldn't hire them just stating the facts, and I would contend that the others you mentioned above more than likely have problems finding work as well. I.m over 55 and I know the issues. Just stating the facts.

    I'm not so sure how factual that is. Just because you are overweight, it does not mean you are going to be more prone to being sick. I've been overweight all my adult life, and I have never had any kind of serious illness. I do have to fight with allergies and that has absolutely no relation to my weight. Isn't age a much larger factor in determining health? Yet there are federal laws protecting against age discrimination except in some special circumstances. You could also say that child-bearing women are a high risk to be out a lot due to pregnancies. Should you also discriminate there?
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 346 Member
    I have never been discriminated because of my weight. I have seen anyone discriminated due to there weight for a position where I work at, but sadly it does happen. I have been asked to teach our office cardio class which I am getting paid to do. I think being healthier did help me get that job.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    My friend applied for this and she got a reply that she doesnt have the look they want. Notice how they ask for a pic. Also a resume? lol Back in my youth, they hired people straight out of high school or college kids without a resume.