How to run faster



  • Summersadiva
    Summersadiva Posts: 110 Member
    Taking note of suggestions here.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You need to add a speedwork run and / or a tempo run to your plan.

    Use the website to figure out your race pace, tempo pace etc.

    A tempo warm up would be a warm up, a run at tempo pace, and then a cool down. The total distance would be dependent on what you are training for.

    A speedwork is a run at a track where you do a warm up, run 1 or 2 laps at speed pace (I think it's called interval on the site) and a lap or 2 at a recovery pace. Repeat for required distance. And then do a cool down.

    You could also do Fartlek training. While you are out for your regular easy run, pick a landmark in front of you and run as fast as you can to that landmark. A pole, A fire hydrant, a car, a bush, whatever. Recover, repeat.

    Depending on what distance you are training for or you are used to running would dictate the distance of your runs for increasing speed.