Gave up smoking, packed on lbs :(



  • supermoo2
    supermoo2 Posts: 77
    It's not unusual to put on around 1 stone when giving up smoking. Best to make sure you stay off the cigarettes first, then worry about getting rid of the extra pounds
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    I quit a few years ago. It was one of the hardest things I've done in my life and I still struggle with it.

    My best advice is find something that works for you. It's cliche but it's true, everybody is different. I tried tons of different ways to try to quit but it never happened until I was completely resolved to quit forever and I found something to replace the habit.

    I did gain weight when I quit but losing the weight was so much easier then quitting (in my opinion).
  • Squeezalsize10
    PSP console anytime i have a craving a play on that.. :)
  • StartingAtSixty
    StartingAtSixty Posts: 85 Member
    Congratulations on your quit.. I stopped smoking November 2009.. I quit cold turkey and I chewed a lot of gum. But my best advise is Deep Breathing..As you take those breaths, meditate on how wonderful it feels to breathe clean air.. It will relax you.. Smokers do not deep breathe naturally.. They inhale smoke.. I smoked for over 40 years.. You can get the weight off... but at all costs ...Keep your quit.. Your body will always Thank You... ♥
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Congrats on quitting! I know it was hard but you can do this!

    I, too, started exercising when I quit smoking (4-1/2 years ago). I managed to lose weight (which of course came back when I was no longer diligent about food and exercise). It is a constant struggle but I am getting through it. I still crave cigs today but the cravings have lessened - they will for you too.

    I agree to try whatever is best for you. I was able to quit cold turkey but some people need patches or gum or pills (nothing wrong with that).

    A support group is a good thing to have. I did not have fact my husband still thinks its ok to sit next to me and smoke away....he sometimes leaves me alone with a lit least I don't give in.