Storing fat while building muscle??

Ok, so I think I received what could be classified as the 'worst advice ever yesterday' from a 'friend' on my facebook page. I had posted that I was starting the NROLFW program and was excited to start lifting heavier weights. He told me that 'lighter and longer' was better for women because we have more 'white' muscle tissue. And that 'power lifting builds muscle and the body is programmed to store fat when building muscle'. Oh, yeah, and that I'm going to hurt my poor wittle self doing the big manly program, so I should stick to the barbie weights. (my interpretation, not his words)

So, I figured I'd come to where the knowledgeable people are. I've been doing a muscle conditioning class and making an effort to include strength training in my workouts and have seen fairly consistent weight and inches lost. But, is there any truth the the idea that lifting programs the body to store fat? I've always heard the opposite in that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, therefore the less fat in your body. Plus, the women on here who lift are hot! So, while I don't believe him and I am aware that my weight may stay the same for a bit (of course, I'm still obese, so who knows how my body will respond), I will likely lose inches and do myself a world of good by having more muscle. Right? I guess I just need some reassurance that I have my facts straight.


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    You will only gain muscle and fat if you are eating Surplus...If you are eating in a deficit, then you will not gain muscle or fat.. you will just retain what you already have.

    I lift weights and all I did was get smaller.. I went from a 10 to a 4 in a year, by eating healthier, doing cardio and lifting weights under trainer guidance.
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    See, that's what I want to do. I'm not trying to 'bulk up', but I do want to be stronger and healthier.
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    Women will not bulk up unless you are receiving a testosterone therapy of some kind. Lift heavy weights to increase muscle, which will in turn burn more calories, thus reducing more fat.

    Light weights and substantial reps was a tried and true (and wrong) theory that has been dispelled for women. Have at it!
  • Jaxper
    Jaxper Posts: 23 Member
    You will only gain muscle and fat if you are eating Surplus...If you are eating in a deficit, then you will not gain muscle or fat.. you will just retain what you already have.

    As said, you will only gain fat and muscle if you are eating extra calories, and neither if you are eating at a deficit. However, if you are lifting while eating at a deficit, that is what tones your body more to accentuate the pre-existing muscle.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Oh god. Dont read what you read into his words. I was also under the impression for a while that lower weights higher reps was the best way. Just because he's uninformed doesn't mean he's sexist or something.
  • sailorsiren13
    Women have a hard time bulking up it will take time but you will be beautiful and if your happy then Lift Heavy! i've been plagued with injury or i would be right there with you. It's still an ult. goal for me but you can do anything you set your mind too!! Good luck! :bigsmile:
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    NROL will NOT bulk you up. I don't even think there is such thing as "white muscle". And why on earth does muscle growth make you store fat? muscle requires a lot of calories to keep working, so it does the opposite...And if your friend is correct, why aren't all these body builders fat *kitten*? Certainly their muscle mass is packing on the fat ! (What . the. Fhuuuu?)

    Ask him for references and them tell him to screw off.

    I'm in Stage 3 of NROL. It has done wonders for me. I've dropped 5% body fat (10 lbs) and almost 2 pants sizes. My body functions better and the aesthetic improvements in my body, especially my shoulders, chest, and behind, are amazing for only 10ish weeks of work.

    Ignore this idiot. He's spewing misinformation with no basis in reality or fact. It's a horrible way to continue to propagate fitness industry myths marketed to women.
  • craigking
    craigking Posts: 17 Member
    Muscle tissue burns 7 times more calories than fat tissue and is less than half the volume, pound for pound. So the more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you burn.

    Do what feels right for you(with appropriate guidance of course) and enjoy :)
  • DonttrythatwithME
    DonttrythatwithME Posts: 214 Member
    love to see the ladies in the weights area its always good for the gym, burn that fat off lifting heavy :D
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    Thank you all. It just seriously ticked me off to read that this morning. Like he was saying he knew my body better than I do. Plus, I'm here and I see what some of the other women have done. And I've had personal trainers who have really pushed the weight lifting because muscle takes more calories to maintain.

    I do wonder the same thing about the weight lifters. I'm sure there's just tons of hidden fat under all those muscles, right. A thousand eyerolls!

    Thank you all for posting. I have a huge tendency to second guess myself, so it is nice to hear and know that I'm on the right track with my thinking.
  • Evelyn2050
    Evelyn2050 Posts: 111 Member
    I don't suppose that this was the best advice that this guy gave you. I'm not an expert but everything I've heard is that women can lift "heavy" just like men. And muscle is smaller and burns more cals - it's just better to have. So, good luck and enjoy the journey!! :)
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    Ok, so I think I received what could be classified as the 'worst advice ever yesterday' from a 'friend' on my facebook page. I had posted that I was starting the NROLFW program and was excited to start lifting heavier weights. He told me that 'lighter and longer' was better for women because we have more 'white' muscle tissue. And that 'power lifting builds muscle and the body is programmed to store fat when building muscle'. Oh, yeah, and that I'm going to hurt my poor wittle self doing the big manly program, so I should stick to the barbie weights. (my interpretation, not his words)

    I think your bro'science buddy has his facts mixed up. If you eat in surplus and weight train in order to build muscle, you will inevitably gain some fat as well as muscle. If you're eating deficit, you should carry on losing the fat and the weight training shgould help prevent muscle loss.
  • maryatpt
    maryatpt Posts: 21
    What is NROL?
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    yeah dont listen to that guy.

    my gym ried to set me up with a crappy PTs several months ago. when we first met i told him my background and the type of workouts i liked and our first meeting he stuck me on a spin bike and then walked away for 20 minutes. he told me i should do lots of cardio in the fat burning zone, not lift and especially not lift anything over 20 pounds (that was a rather arbitrary number). he also gave me all this broscience about amino acids to take and what time to take them :laugh: i never made another appointment with that guy.

    i saw him again for the first time last night. he walked over and noticed my weight loss and was like hey you took my advice. i was like no actually i did the opposite. i lift heavy. i'm squatting and deadlifting more than my body weight, working pon pull ups, dont take amino acids and have chocolate 3-5 times a week (he told me i'd have to completely give up chocolate and sugar if i ever wanted to lose weight). :laugh:

    anyway, just because someone is a PT doesnt mean they know what they are talking about
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Please do not let your friend post in the MFP forums.

  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    Ok, so I think I received what could be classified as the 'worst advice ever yesterday' from a 'friend' on my facebook page. I had posted that I was starting the NROLFW program and was excited to start lifting heavier weights. He told me that 'lighter and longer' was better for women because we have more 'white' muscle tissue. And that 'power lifting builds muscle and the body is programmed to store fat when building muscle'. Oh, yeah, and that I'm going to hurt my poor wittle self doing the big manly program, so I should stick to the barbie weights. (my interpretation, not his words)

    So, I figured I'd come to where the knowledgeable people are. I've been doing a muscle conditioning class and making an effort to include strength training in my workouts and have seen fairly consistent weight and inches lost. But, is there any truth the the idea that lifting programs the body to store fat? I've always heard the opposite in that the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, therefore the less fat in your body. Plus, the women on here who lift are hot! So, while I don't believe him and I am aware that my weight may stay the same for a bit (of course, I'm still obese, so who knows how my body will respond), I will likely lose inches and do myself a world of good by having more muscle. Right? I guess I just need some reassurance that I have my facts straight.

    if you want results regarding aesthetics, you should "train like a man" and ditch the barbie weights... you by no means will put on bulky unappealing muscle unless you are over consuming food women dont have enough testosterone to build tons of muscle anyways so the muscle you will build will be your ideal amount.. you still have to lift heavy like a man and for max muscle hypertrophy i suggest high volume and a higher rep range of 6-12 reps sometimes til failure or with drop sets.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    New Rules here!!!!
    and still shrinking!!!

    go for it! and KICK *kitten*!
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    Your friend is mistaken!! Lift heavy and low reps. Good Luck!! :happy:
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    Thanks again everyone! I knew he was full of it. My BS meter goes off a lot with him, but he's been a family friend for years, so it's hard to unfriend, you know. I'm really glad I have a place like this to come and hear different opinions from people who have btdt. To me it means more if it's coming from someone who's done the program.

    So, it looks like tomorrow is day 2 for me of my New Rules of Lifting journey!