Adults and drinking.



  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    In our group of friends, we pretty much all bring something. It depends on the type of party, too. I did a Cinco de Mayo party where everyone brought a dish to share. I supplied the margaritas, some beers, and two types of food. Everyone else brought a dish to share and/or some booze... Now, the Halloween costume party was totally just BYOB because it was a huge party and people were going in and out all night long. I wouldn't wanna supply for that.

    I usually just tell people what I'll have, and if they want something specific, they are welcome to bring it along.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    With my firends it's usually Bring your own. Even more so for me personally, all forms of alcohol I've had I think tastes like *kitten* and I generally just hate the effects of it so I refuse to buy any of it.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    I would usually provide the stuff for one or two mixed drinks (cosmos, pina colada, margarita, etc. ) and tell them if they want to bring a cooler for themselves or to share...

    Many people end up bringing a large cooler full of something to share with everyone, whether it's beer or wine coolers. Only once it a while will someone NOT bring something, but they'll know better the next time. :drinker: :drinker:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    You just tell them BYOB, and they will. You will just need a 12 pack of beer and a couple bottles of wine to start and the rest will just happen.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I've got a question for y'all. So, you're hosting a get together at your place, guests age ranges from mid 20s - mid 40s. Do you supply the whole party with alcohol or do you supply some and assume they'll bring some as well?
    Garbage can full of jungle juice. yeah, I am classy

    Oh the good old days. I remember those. Keg stands.. I had the record in my town for 56 seconds. My younger brother beat me the following year for a 59 seconds. Lil *kitten*.
    You have not lived until you have attempted keg laps.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I concur with supplying some. I usually say we will provide X, please feel free to bring the drink of your choice. At my old house we had a fully stocked bar in our basement, most of the time we ended up ahead bc people would bring a case or bottle of whatever and just leave it.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    I never mind bringing additional alcohol to a get-together--a polite guest never shows up empty-handed--but I probably wouldn't go to one if I knew that all of the drinks were provided by the guests.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    Well us true hardcore partiers bring our own....and we share!

    ^ Exactly ^
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Id make a big thing of sangria and get a case of beer and let everyone know if there is something they would like to drink that night, to please feel free to bring it, but you'll have something there to wet their whistle.

    Also, its true, you can count o all the 30-40's to bring something and share it! You get awesome like that the older you get. Better at partying.
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    I would get in a case or two of beer and do a cheap cocktail bowl (sex on beach something easy) and tell them that and to bring whatever else drink wise they want
  • RyanDanielle5101
    Double or triple "The Pink Panty Dropper"

    1 can frozen concentrate pink lemonade
    Vodka (I just fill the empty lemonade can once)
    and a corona or two and mix.

    Sounds weird but is so good:) I'll edit once I get the number of coronas, I can't remember...Go figure!!
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I did not get my invite. I make balloon animals!
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    Let them know you will have X and Y, and if they want something specific, they should bring it!! Enjoy your party, when should we be there?
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    I would supply some, but advise that it is BYOB.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I did not get my invite. I make balloon animals!

    please, prove this. Please.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I did not get my invite. I make balloon animals!

    please, prove this. Please.
    Last time I posted one of my balloon animals here I got a warning for obscenity.
  • clh126
    clh126 Posts: 115 Member
    We usually buy a few 6 packs of beer and some bottles of wine and tell people that we have some beer and wine, but feel free to bring something specific if they want it. Usually everyone who comes brings a bottle of wine...that seems like the default, easy party gift here with the occasional 6 pack of beer. Usually we end up with way more wine than we can use, but I figure it's better to buy some ahead of time, so you don't risk running out.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Usually I bring a bottle of something with me (wine if it's an "adult" party, rum/vodka/shooters if it's just a bunch of goofy friends) if I'm invited, the host usually has beers or some sort of pre-mixed drink like sangria that we'll help ourselves to.

    If I'm hosting, people just end up bringing something with them as well, even if I tell them not to.
    My liquor cabinet is pretty much always stocked though just in case ;)
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    I'd say at first, err on the side of providing too much, while asking people to bring additional things they like. They'll either take it back home or leave it in your stash. Doing a strictly BYO party is a bit cheezy *unless* you are with a bunch of very good friends and you know it's going to happen up front.

    I usually have a keg of beer on tap, and maybe a specialty drink or two going for the night. If people want other stuff, they can contribute what they like.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I would let them know what your going to supply and then also say they can bring their own. I would have like wine, beer etc.

    That's what I usually do. We're not big on beer, so I usually say, "We have wine, rum, tequila, vodka, schnapps, and assorted sodas. If you want anything else, bring it."