99 lbs To Go

cmorga02 Posts: 34 Member
Hello everyone.

I'm new to the site... about a week or so and my goal is 100 lbs. My job recently started a Shape Up/Take Care program in which you form teams and the team that walks the most steps, looses the most weight and exercised the longest wins prizes. Well, I had to weigh myself and talk about a wake up call! 358! I new I was big and planned on loosing weight, but once I saw that I knew I had to get serious and get started.

I'm even starting P90X this weekend... its going to be tough and I might pass out, but it will be worth it. My wife and I are going to a wedding in September, and I know I won't be 100 lbs lighter, but I want the people there that I haven't seen in almost a year to see a difference.

A coworker of mine, also on my team, introduced me to this site and I must say it is a great site and the community support is awesome!

I hope you all reach your goals.



  • BabyLeila23
    BabyLeila23 Posts: 410
    That's awesome!! Good Luck on your journey! :D
  • TinnedTuna
    TinnedTuna Posts: 208 Member
    Hi Chuck,
    welcome and the best of luck with your goals,
    I started in January this year at 301 with a 100 to loose and i'm at 255 now so i'm nearly half way there, never thought i could do it
    but now i know i can...
    so if you stick at it i'm sure you will too.

    Add me if you like

  • mama78loosinWeight
    mama78loosinWeight Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Chuck,

    Work programs are great to help remind you to get in shape, and rewards/bribes are great too! I have a goal of just over 100lbs. I started in mid April and have lost 25lbs so far. P90x is a hard system but it renders some good results. My brother got ripped doing that system. Feel free to add me if you would like. 100 lbs is a long journey. Good luck on your way!
  • KimL122
    KimL122 Posts: 233 Member
    Hi Chuck,

    I'm new to this site as well. I've only joind about 2 weeks ago but I like it so far. I'm looking to loose 82 pounds and I started March 14, 2012 and I'm down 27.7 pounds so far. I've found that having a large amount to loose I set small goals. The first was 10 lbs and then 10% and then 5 lb losses. Feels good. I wish that I had known about this site so that my 27.7 pound weight loss would be showing, but I'm good with seeing my progress from here on out.

    Good luck and stay focused and I'm sure you can do it!!!!

  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    The first pound is the hardest part. Now it'll melt off like a hot knife through butter =)