Flabby Triceps!

I bet many of you ladies have this same issue: all that floppy flab on the upper arms. GROSS.

I've been trying to find out how to fix this, and apparently it's the triceps that need to be worked in order to tone that part of the arm.

Does anyone have any advice of getting rid of that flab? Some good ways to work your triceps? Keep in mind I don't go to a gym, nor do I have any dumbbells. I do have a pull-up bar but cannot lift myself off the ground!


  • smileyface45
    smileyface45 Posts: 146 Member
    Sit on the edge of youe bathtub.... slide your bum off of the edge.... do little pushups, but don't gp to deep maybe 20-25 reps at a time 2-3 times per day ..
  • Naturally_sassy0525
    Naturally_sassy0525 Posts: 134 Member
    I agree except I use my couch it's a very good and easy workout for the triceps...but you might also wanna get some dumbells from
    Target are Walmart if you can.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    You can't spot reduce fat. As you continue to lose weight, the fat on your arms will slowly go away in proportion to the rest of your body's fat.

    edit: you can make your arms look better with exercise, but you won't get that toned look until you burned more total body fat.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Dumbells are very inexpensive and you don't need heavy ones to start off. You can also use, for example, a 1 l bottle full of water as a substitute for triceps kickbacks.

    Body weight exercises could include dips (you can use a sturdy chair or the edge of a desk to support yourself).

    Here's a link with some other ideas. http://exercise.about.com/cs/weightlifting/l/blsampletricep.htm

    However strong your triceps become, though, you won't see any changes until your overall % of body fat is lower and that is lost in the kitchen and at the dinner table. Sadly, there's no such thing as spot reducing, when it comes to fat loss your body has a mind of it's own.
  • animejennie
    animejennie Posts: 12 Member
    Triceps dips like the above posters said - I use my heavy wood coffee table. You can move your feet closer or further from your body to help with resistance as needed.

    Triceps push-ups - I do them on my knees still but the idea is a pushup but the arms are close to the body and a bit lower than shoulder level

    I think that you should invest in a small pair of dumbells (target, walmart). 5lbs would be good starting weight - then you can do all sorts of overhead tricep extentions, tricep kick-backs, etc.

    I have the same issue on my arms and I did find that working my biceps and shoulders too helped improve the look of all areas.
  • raerae514
    raerae514 Posts: 171 Member
    Tricep dips seem to be where it's AT

    What about shoulders?
  • RunningDirty
    RunningDirty Posts: 293
    Since you already have the bar, but can't quite get yourself up there yet (been there!) then try purchasing a resistance band to assist you with getting up until you can build enough strength to get up there on your own. It works! I agree with other posters that adding actual weights is really what will do the trick though.
  • Queenj32
    Queenj32 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel the same way...toning arms seem to be the hardest. I agree with many others by the sliding off the edge of the couch thing, but if you're like me, I have a hard time pushing up...I purchased 5pd dumbbells, I'm starting to see a difference. I also push myself to to all sorts of arm workouts on the machines at the gym. Don't focus on just one part, do the total body, then you will be proud of the results... XOX, good luck!!