Cheat Days



  • Mrsbrandnewmeslimandtrim
  • Presleyforpresident
    i'm really against cheat days just because, for me personally, i feel like my life has been one giant cheat day, you know?
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    When I was on a 500 cal per day deficit, i ate pretty much what I wanted one set day per week and rarely ate more than 500 cals over maintenance. So I still had a decent weekly deficit (2500 or 3000 vs 3500). I don't think you would undo your weekly deficit in one day unless you have a very small deficit to start with.

    For me, it was about a psychological break and a metabolism reset. Makes restricting the rest of the week easier and I still lost weight every week with no plateau. The only downside I could see to it is that style of eating does not really prepare you for eating sensibly, moderately and sustainably. It worked for me though.