For all those who have a weigh in!!!

FUZZBUZZ4 Posts: 334
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
If weigh in day is tomorrow for you!!!! (as is mine) thought we all need a venue to worry, rant whatever...


  • If weigh in day is tomorrow for you!!!! (as is mine) thought we all need a venue to worry, rant whatever...
  • lorelai63
    lorelai63 Posts: 417 Member
    I am weighing in tomorrow. I dont expect much of a change since I cheated and got on the scale a couple of days ago. I guess just staying the same would be good.
  • Me too, I'll weigh in tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it because I bought a new digital scale and it weighs 5 pounds heavier than my old scale and that sucks, but I guess it's better to be accurate than to like what you see. Good luck everyone, I know mines going to be up.:tongue:
  • I'm definitely not looking forward to it cause I cheated WAY too much these last couple days. I think I might have even gained...:frown:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I look forward to my weigh ins because good or bad it is only one way to monitor change. I can't let that number on the scale rule my mood, motivation or pride, I have lost 31 lbs so far and I have a lot too go but I take it in baby steps, like 10 lbs increments, then the bigger goal doesn't seem so hard to reach.

    Besides, we all know deep down inside why the scale has gone up, stayed the same or actually budged and graced us with a loss.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I didn't actually have a weigh-in, but I have increased my calories and so I've been monitoring it more closely. Down 1.5 lbs from yesterday...most of it is water weight, but it's promising since I have a much larger mass of food in my body. I'm eating closer to 2000 cals a day now...there's a chance that I was underestimating my output and eating in a 900 cal deficit. I'm excited to see how my experiment goes!
  • dhayes
    dhayes Posts: 216 Member
    I weighed in today and lost 4 pounds, after 1 week with a 1 pound gain and 1 week of no loss. Last week I finally started to eat all of my allotted calories and lowered my cardio workout and got back to losing. I had been carrying a deficit of 900-1000 calories a day on top of what MFP reccommends, I guess there is something to that undereating thing even for those of us who are morbidly obese. :smile:

    I am so glad that I belonged to this site because I knew what to do right away when I had the 1 pound gain.
  • mknott
    mknott Posts: 17
    Something else to keep in mind for those of us who weigh in weekly. I am fortunate enough to have a fitness center on site where I work and a Wellness Manager. I see her weekly and weigh in on a Tanita scale - that gives me my full body composition. Every week I know my exact weight of fat mass, lean body mass and water. So I know exactly what is happening to my body every week - if I've lost fat or lost muscle or gained one or both and if I'm hydrated enough or not. It also gives me the minimum number of calories I need to consume. So, even though you may only see a pound difference here or there - keep in mind that maybe you lost 3 pounds of fat but gained good water weight and muscle. Or maybe the scale says you gained a pound - well maybe that was muscle and needed water? So, anyway, I guess I would suggest trying not to get caught up in what the scale says unless it's telling you your full body composition. Just keep working towards your goal and focus on how your clothes are fitting! I know I couldn't keep motivated if I only looked at a regular scale every week. Good luck to you all!
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I weigh in on Monday but I am trying to move it to Sunday (not sure but will prob stick to Mon). I actually think I will see a loss of some kind. Yesterday was my birthday and I slept in so late that I missed breakfast and lunch and then my family and I went to a buffet dinner and I ate until I was satisfied and yes, I did stuff a delcious crepe down. Went to my parents place and they had an Ice Cream cake for me and well I only eat that once a year, so I had TWO slices.

    We ended up playing Wii all night and WHO KNEW you could break such a sweat playing that game. wow. I think I got a mini workout playing it for like 4 hrs.

    So I am pretty sure I will see some kind of loss. 0.1, 0.5, 1....whatever. A LOSS IS A LOSS.
  • I will be weighing in tomorrow also - not looking forward to it because I haven't been walking as much as usual. Got to get back into it. The weather's the pits, but that's Canada for you!!!
  • How was weigh for all of you guys???
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    So I weighed in today (monday) and I saw a 1 lb loss. So now its 7 lbs total. Which is great because I swear the first month I barely lost anything and I have gone from 3 lbs to 7lbs just like that :smile:
  • GOOD FOR U!!!!!

    I wish i had a similar result but sadly no loss to report this week :sad:

    I am actually quite upset
  • mknott
    mknott Posts: 17
    My weigh-in was today. I lost .6 pounds of fat and gained about .6 muscle - YEAH! Baby steps. I have to increase my activity level big time, I didn't work out much last week.
  • mknott
    mknott Posts: 17
    Don't let that get you down!! Maybe you lost fat and gained muscle so the scale just looks even? Well, don't get too discouraged, just keep working toward your goal. The mind always moves in the direction of its focus. Stay focused and positive! :happy:
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