Any one else doing Tapout Xt?



  • So yesterday was day 30 of Tapout XT for me. I have gone up in weight about 5 pounds and all of my measurements are exactly the same as day 1. Im not really following their meal plan, but I still eat healthy. I miss maybe 1-2 workouts a week, but make up for at least 1 of them on my "rest day". The differences I notice are strength and stamina only. I do not see any physical differences when I look in the mirror. I've never done a workout routine that lasts this long and I feel like after 30 days I should be seeing some physical results. Starting to get a little discouraged, what am I doing wrong? I really wish that instead of using the people that have already dont the workout in the videos, they used them BEFORE they have completed it. So you get to see their transformation all the way through while your doing it with them. That would be a little more encouraging.
  • Mine will be delivered tomorrow - Cant wait. I was getting bored with my regular at home dvd's. I hope this works & I want to stick with the diet as much as possible. Since about 09/10 ive gained some weight and cant fit into my jeans - That life when you live in sweat outfits :)..
  • Lvs2run2
    Lvs2run2 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so glad to hear someone else can't do those awful push-ups!
    I can't wait for 90 days :)
  • love xt now on round 3 waiting 4 xt2!
  • I just recieved tapouta couple days ago. I find myself having trouble with the planks in cross core combat. will this eventually get easier for me if I continue? And to mention, Im very out of shape and over weight but Im trying. Im trying not to give up.
  • I, too, am pretty overweight at 312#, 6'6" in height. I've completed day 06, no loss on the scale, but I am feeling much better. I do, however, find it hard to believe that this stuff will be much easier at day 90. Any other big, tall fellas complete this? What were your results?

    Oh, I don't follow the diet plan per Tapout XT, but do do the my fitness pal macro suggestions.
  • jsename
    jsename Posts: 2 Member
    Don't give up. After Charlene Extreme, Turbo Fire, half 90X, half Insanity, Les Mills Combat, I'm only now finally able to do the push ups on my toes, and even that I can't go all the way down. With each new program I start, I find I've improved in some aspects. Keeping doing the modified pushups. Start on your knees with your body at 90 deg from your legs, then as you get stronger, move your torso out a bit so you are about 135 deg from your legs, then move on to keeping your knees on the ground, but lift your toes and feet. For all his explode ups, just put done one hand at a time to get yourself up.

    You can do it, just don't quit.
  • Here are some youtube success stories which I found to be inspiring. You might want to check some of them out if you are looking to see other people's results.
  • Maybe a little success...My last post was on the 20th. On the 19th I decided to give myself a 10 challenge (not the Tapout one, but my own), by sticking with the dvds for 10 days straight (had been skipping days, previous post said day 6, meant workout 6) with one OFF day. I stayed OFF the scale, followed the MFP calories and suffice to say...I lost 6#s in 10 days. My advice to others...stay off the scale. Do not weigh in every day or even every couple of days. Spread it out. Will be doing a weekly weigh-in from this point forward.

    One warning for the bigger fellas, there's a lot of squatting and lunges, so be careful with your knees. I won't be completing the Plyo workout until I've lost more weight. Knee pain is no joke.
  • I am on my rest day after week 4. If you are worried about knees with your weight, one of the best alternatives is Strength and Force Upper. Using the movements for band work is really tough regardless of the resistance you use. Just don't get too deep into the lunges. I honestly think that alternating the exercises from up with a band to down of the floor, even if you cannot do much of the movement on the floor, is a workout in itself. Down with me... up with me, grab a band, get the one that gets you results....just that up and down effort is more than many people do in a week. Stick with it and enjoy trying parts of the Ultimate Abs after. Keep Yoga XT in your week as well and modify all of the strength work. What are your favorites?

    And have fun with it! I still yell, SERIOUSLY at the videos all the time.

  • Modify your planks if they are too hard. I couldn't do planks on day 1. I could barely move in pushup position. My gimpy shoulder and elbow are starting to come around after four weeks. I go to my knees and reduce range of motion, but try to stay with the timing of the video to keep my heart rate up. Try watching the video, any of them, when not working out to see what is actually going on when you would normally be struggling. It may help.

    Good luck, stick with it!

  • I start Tapout XT1 today I want to try both so I guess Ill just start with 1 wish me luck
  • jfazio22
    jfazio22 Posts: 15
    My wife and I are on day 53 (W8D4) of TapouT XT. To everyone starting this and to those who are struggling - KEEP AT IT! Starting was the hardest part and sticking with it is a close second. After 52 days I still struggle with some of the side planks and the grinder, what masochist invented that. Take it one day at a time, it's helps me to look at it as a 90 (84) round fight. TapouT wins some and so do I. At the end, who cares what the score is. We won't be pros when we reach the end, we already know we'll need to do it at least one more time to meet our fitness goals so don't pressure yourself. Trust me, there will be days you'll feel unstoppable and TapouT will just beat you to the ground. Pace, persistence and most importantly fun is what it takes to get through it. When you are getting stuck or feel like you can't continue, go watch the infomercial on youtube or any success story from regular people, there is no greater a motivational power.

    If you need a push, I can be reached through our website:

    In short - YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Funny how I get on here during rest day. Day 42 come and gone and tomorrow is a big weigh in for me. I have gone back and forth between losing weight and losing inches. This week I expect pounds to slip away and leave me at or below my driver license weight for the first time in a long time. And the. To refocus on week seven and enjoy the journey. Any of you struggling remember results are not made in the comfort zone...the comfort zone is your couch! : )

    In health,

  • mellwell
    mellwell Posts: 1
    I am now on my 9th day of Tapout XT and the last time I weighted I was down 11 lbs. I have been following the 10 day kick off plan and it has been hard because I did not want to spend too much on so much variety and have been eating a lot of the same foods, this is my fault. Food portions are small and some days I have troubles with feeling as though I am crashing or low blood sugar and other days I am o.k. I have learned to spread out my meals, like eat half my breakfast earlier and the other half a couple hours later and this is something I very much recommend to help you from crashing. I have been doing the workouts as per the sheet. My husband tried the workout the 1st day, didn't make it through the 1st workout and has not done anything since except the diet plan and is only down 4 lbs. I have already become stronger with the workouts but have to modify a lot. I was pretty much taking anti inflammatories around the clock the 1st few days for some arthritis but this has all got better too. I do have an old ACL repair that is feeling really tight and limits the workout some but I have started to think 'no pain, no gain.' I am really excited to see the results. I am not gonna lie, have been eating whatever I want for a few years and not exercising so this has been so hard but this is my fault. Good luck to all!!
  • lokecheer
    lokecheer Posts: 43 Member
    I'm about to strat it again, since I keep falling out of it. It's so hard, yet so fun!
  • _funrungirl
    _funrungirl Posts: 145 Member
    I have done some of the cardio videos off and on for the past couple of months but I never really followed the program. That is going to change! I will be starting the actual Tapout XT plan starting Monday April 1.
  • 6Meows
    6Meows Posts: 2
    Survived my first workout. Had to motify a lot. But I still feel that I got a great workout. I'm acutally excited about day 2.
  • _funrungirl
    _funrungirl Posts: 145 Member
    Day 2 Strength & Force. I had a little trouble with the bands, trying to get the right resistance.

    Logging it as General Circuit Training showed 508 calories burned which seems really high.
  • I'm on my 3rd day of Tapout and WTF was i thinking. I felt like a lil pig rolling in the mud and sweat was dripping everywhere but I guess that's a good thing. I'm going to stick with it.