Looking for answers and friends!

Hi all! I am relatively new to MFP and it seems that I have a lot of questions google can't seem to answer for me. I am hoping some of you can help.
Let me begin by telling you about myself, I am 22 years old and I currently weigh 138ish. From about 14 to 20 y.o. I starved myself in thinking that it was the only way to be skinny. Now, two years later and (in my eyes) over weight, I have joined a gym and started eating healthy (I was living on purple Gatorade and candy) and I am kind of obsessed about being back down to the weight I was when I started eating in 2010. But I think I might be happy once I have a hot body.
---My first question for you is, why am I losing weight but not losing inches or body fat?
----Can anyone suggest recipies or a website where I can find awesome recipes that are healthy, yummy and do something for my raging sweet tooth?
And I'm sure there are more but I cant think of them right now.

Thank you for looking. I appreciate any and all responses :)


  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP

    My concern is you still seem to be in ED mode, esp since you want to be at the weight you were whilst you werent eating. as for over weight, you certainly arent that.

    My current suggestion would be to go speak to the doctor about what is the calorie in take for you and to get some proper help with your ED.

    We are all here to help you but I think a professional maybe able to give you the best advice on this.

    As for heathly recipes I do have plenty and I am willing to share these with you. Please message me, also feel free to add me as a friend and I will help you get on target.
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    Im a complete chocolate lover! I dont have it much now as i have learned to control my cravings for it BUT I do allow myself Dark chocolate in moderation. I personally enjoy the Cadbury Premium dark. You have to know that you can have anything to eat in moderation. Getting there is very tough I know where you are coming from! Check out http://dashingdish.com/ and http://www.skinnykitchen.com/ They have amazing recipes!
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    www.dashingdish.com has great recipies. You will probably lose the inches and body fat eventually so hang in there
  • namn
    namn Posts: 5
    Uhhhmmm I am in no way a expert in these things so I can only attempt my best at answering these questions. I am also a huge redditor so I'll link to their fitness faq for more info. Ok so for the question of why you don't see yourself losing inches or body fat the reason might be that you haven't reached a substantial amount of weight loss to see the result clearly yet. From my own experience I have lost around 40 pounds and I still can't see how I was any different from when I was obese. Again don't quote me on this as this is just from my own experiences and what I've found online and I'm sure there are more qualified people here to answer your question. Hope you have an awesome time here and feel free to add me as a friend :D. By the way here are the two resources which I frequent for my fitness advice.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    If you are losing weight, but not inches or fat, the logical explanation is that you are losing muscle. So a simple solution is to add in some strength to your routine.
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    One of my first recommendations would be to take before pictures. The reason I suggest this is because it is a lot easier to see a difference in picture A and picture B than it is to look in the mirror and find change in your physique. The inches verses pounds I am not so sure about but I know if you are working out to tone your body will tighten up and generally you will lose BF% and inches more so than pounds. Add me as a friend if you would like… I am by no means an expert or a personal trainer but I can give opinions and advice with the best of them… lol

    Stick to the path and the results will come...
  • fatkatlady
    First and foremost - welcome to MFP! It is a good and fun sight - here you will find support, motivation and ideas to further your longterm health fitness.

    That being said - I am sorry that you felt (and apparently still do) that you need to be a certain weight or look a certain way in order to be happy, or to look a certain way in order to be healthy. Remember: you are what YOU want to be - I, nor your friends, or society or family - have a right to judge or tell you what to be or not to be. At the end of the day, you have to look at yourself in the mirror and answer to YOU on how you lived.

    Secondly - I am 48, by society and other standards - I am considered obese - I am 5 feet 7 inches and I am a power lifter. I am on this sight to further my health goals and to keep motivated. I can lift and press a considerable amount of weight for being a female......and I look big. BUT I am happy to be so! This sight has given me motivation to continue on with my powerlifting. My intent is not to lose weight but rather to maintain and sustain. Here, I get support, creative and productive ideas - not goofy food fads or diet pills or elimination of food groups. At MFP, I have found a good, supportive, clean atmosphere to continue to further my power lifting and long term health.

    Thirdly - you were looking for recipies. On this sight there are recipies and ideas - just search them out. You can also check out allrecipes.com - alot of healthy choices there. Also, used book stores sell recipe books. I do recommend a diabetic cook book for your sweet tooth. Diabetic cook books have great and healthy recipies, easy to follow and to make. And by the way - the all recipies.com sight is easy to follow and does not require exotic or hard to find ingriedients. Also, bodybuilding.com - aweome recipes there, plus work out routines and tips for toning and staying in shape. I use this sight (bodybuilding.com - because of the way that I have chosen to add muscle).

    Fourth - please do not obsess about being down to a certain weight or what you would consider an ideal weight. Your obesssion should be on: long term health - you only have one body, one shot at this life; live it to the healthiest that you can be. You have overcome an eating disorder - that is something to be proud of and to also remember. You now have a foundation to build on - make sure that you build a sturdy, safe, healthy home.

    Fifth - you say that you are losing weight but not inches or body fat? Well, going to the gym and lifting any amount of weight over a period of time (weeks, months) will add muscle. Muscle weighs at much as fat (and sometimes more) BUT takes up less room on the body. So, what you presume as not losing inches/fat - you are actually gaining muscle - which is a very good thing. And by the way - you don't have to lift a heavy amount of weight to gain muscle: isometrics will allow for muscle growth, lifting light weights (10 lbs or less) for alot of reps will also add muscle over time.

    Remember : you are what you THINK you are - so as a man thinketh, so he is.......you can accomplish so many positive things - you have the power, the knowledge and a foundation has been laid. Now go and build the house that you want to live in! Good luck to you and your goals....I wish you well.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Hows your sodium intake ? You could have water weight. Sweet tooth..... Dark Chocolate is your new best friend in the world.

    Stop worrying about the scale, if anything weigh yourself every other week to see how your doing number wise. Just focus on making the target net calories and exercising. Stress is the anti-everything take things simple just take a deep breathe and remember to believe in yourself.