Anyone else have this issue with stomach fat?

Hi. :)

So, I am 5'10, started at 213lbs and am now down to 167lbs. I'm about 10-15lbs from where I want to be. But I also have a massive amount of excess skin (gained tons of weight with first child) and will need abdominoplasty in the future so this could account for a sufficient amount of poundage. Which kind of sucks because I don't know exactly how much more weight to lose.

But, regardless of the excess skin....
I've lost a good amount of weight from my whole body, but my stomach still has SO MUCH FAT. I pretty much look pregnant. Especially in the area right above my belly button. Does anyone else have this issue?
From what I know, I can't spot reduce an area. But it's driving me nuts.

I do strength and weight training and have for as long as I've been doing cardio. Which is close to a year now. I also do all the different crunches and exercises for my stomach.

I don't get it!?!?!?!?!?!

Any suggestions or advice would be really appreciated. Thanks.