How to get rid of poison ivy



  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    it will run its course in about 2-3 weeks. he cannot spread it to others or to other parts of his body...just put the calamine on to help with the itching. thats all you can do. I get it almost every week, i know!

    Really, yuck. So it is supposed to blister?

    If it's blistered, bleach will kill it - hurts like h@11, but it will do the job. But I think the wash from Walgreens is probably a better option.

    That hurts me just reading it but I will suggest it
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    My husband got poison ivy last weekend so I have been slathering him with calamine lotion all week because god forbid he does it himself. I am going to be gone next week. What can we use over the weekend to make it go away so he doesn't die when I am gone? I did all the google searches, but I want to know what real people have tried and what works.

    For Rhus radicans; the catechol (also called urushiol as a mix) causes the problems (binds to skin) apply Calamine first then some aluminium acetate ( I do not know the street name .)
  • HelloSweetie4
    HelloSweetie4 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I just sent you a PM about a spray my husband uses, works really well!
  • keithgi
    keithgi Posts: 96 Member
    I don't know what to do to quicken the healing besides consult a physician, but a trick we learned while in the Boy Scouts was to run hot water over the affected area (as hot as you can stand, obviously don't burn yourself). The area will itch like crazy while flooded with hot water, but he'll get 6-8 hours relief from the irritation. Repeat as necessary.
  • RunnerLisa1
    RunnerLisa1 Posts: 84 Member
    I am extremely allergic to poison ivy, in fact, the last time I got it I wanted to cut off my right hand!! None of the topicals worked or even soothed it. The only thing that works for me is steroids.
  • tquig
    tquig Posts: 176 Member
    When I was in the Army a lot of people would use bleach or gasoline when we were out in the woods. I know, it sounds weird but it appeared to work well. I have only had it once and gas made it dry up within a day. Not sure it is the best remedy for the average person, though. Oh, and both will burn like crazy!!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    it will run its course in about 2-3 weeks. he cannot spread it to others or to other parts of his body...just put the calamine on to help with the itching. thats all you can do. I get it almost every week, i know!

    Really, yuck. So it is supposed to blister?

    If it's blistered, bleach will kill it - hurts like h@11, but it will do the job. But I think the wash from Walgreens is probably a better option.

    That hurts me just reading it but I will suggest it

    Please for his sake dont put bleach on it! If it is blistered and he is suffering that much from it he has a bad case and will greatly benefit from steroids. Go to a walk in urgent care clinic, they can handle that no problem and he will feel so much better so much faster than anything over the counter can do!
  • BigDaddyRonnie
    BigDaddyRonnie Posts: 506 Member
    Fels Naptha

    do a Google works great
  • addictwendys
    Wow you have a bunch of methods to try. The oil from theseolants ie, poison ivy,oak and sumac is the same. It never dries up on the plant and is highly resistant to being washed off with anything other then the was that has been mentioned, I has had this rash in various degrees. Mild to severe. The blisters always show up on me. I honestly don't scratch my skin for any reason. I never know if its poison ivy. I have tried every over the counter remedy except one I saw last yr for over $30. This yr I saw the plant after I had already touched it. I went to my garage and poured gas on my hands. Yes I panicked. Still the rash started. I have the itch reducing medication. That in my opinion only works for short periods of time. But I did something different this yr. Instead of stopping my yard work for the normal 2-3 wks I kept working in my garden. Wrist deep in the soil. Its been 8 days and the places have dried up. I don't know if it was the gas. The soil or both but I am 45 get it several times a yr and this is the first time this has ever happened. Keep trying things because I think everyones immune system acts mildly different. Good luck.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    it will run its course in about 2-3 weeks. he cannot spread it to others or to other parts of his body...just put the calamine on to help with the itching. thats all you can do. I get it almost every week, i know!

    Really, yuck. So it is supposed to blister?

    If it's blistered, bleach will kill it - hurts like h@11, but it will do the job. But I think the wash from Walgreens is probably a better option.

    That hurts me just reading it but I will suggest it

    Please for his sake dont put bleach on it! If it is blistered and he is suffering that much from it he has a bad case and will greatly benefit from steroids. Go to a walk in urgent care clinic, they can handle that no problem and he will feel so much better so much faster than anything over the counter can do!

    He is such a baby!! We have an urgent care right by our house and he will not go to it. Sometimes I think he just likes to complain. I am going to try to push him to urgent care
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Fels Naptha

    do a Google works great

    Laundry soap? Really?
  • overfences
    overfences Posts: 96 Member
    This stuff is really expensive, but it DOES work. I know because I'm highly allergic to poison ivy and it spreads all over like wild fire if I don't get it stopped immediately. I usually have to get steriods from the Dr., but this stuff does work:,-oak-and-sumac-wash/ID=prod1054021-product

    2nd the Zanfel, although it really only helps very much if you use it immediately after exposure.

    What helped my husband the most were really, REALLY hot showers. He said the effects lasted for hours... and he has very severe reactions to poison ivy.

    Also note that the rash will show up over several days -- anywhere that was touched after exposure. is a really helpful site.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    My conversation with him just now

    "You need to get the shot. It goes in your butt"
    "No, I am not doing it."
    "It is not going in your *kitten*, just the top of your butt."
    "Nope, not doing it."
    "Well then you are going to die."
    "Ok then".

    Why is he such a baby about shots?
  • redheadkob
    There's a product called Ivy Dry (or something like that) that I use when I get it. I get it BAD. Also, I usually end up on steroids, which start working pretty quickly.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Ive read a home remedy is salt water to dry out the oils
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    I got it so bad about 2 years ago I couldn't even stand to touch my baby (3 mos at the time). I got steroid cream, which did very little and it took a good 2 mos to go away. What did help was a stroke of luck... about 3 weeks after I got it I had some elective surgery and while I was there they gave me IV anti inflamatory meds. The blisters cleared up within a week or so, but still took a good month after that to heal. Unless he has liver porblems, my suggestion is 4 advil every 12 hours. Of course you should consult a DR if you're worried about the dosage. Or you can go back to the Dr and ask for a shot or anti inflamitories or steroids. All over the counter topical meds seem to be the same to me (I've tried them ALL).

    By the way, you need a new Dr if they couldn't identify poison ivy. It has a very distinctive pattern. Also, when you have a severe reaction to it, it gets worse every time you get it, and it tends to travel through your system the more sensitive you are to it... meaning you might touch it with your foot and get it on your face a week later.

    Good luck!
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,139 Member
    This stuff is really expensive, but it DOES work. I know because I'm highly allergic to poison ivy and it spreads all over like wild fire if I don't get it stopped immediately. I usually have to get steriods from the Dr., but this stuff does work:,-oak-and-sumac-wash/ID=prod1054021-product

    2nd the Zanfel, although it really only helps very much if you use it immediately after exposure.

    What helped my husband the most were really, REALLY hot showers. He said the effects lasted for hours... and he has very severe reactions to poison ivy.

    Also note that the rash will show up over several days -- anywhere that was touched after exposure. is a really helpful site.

    Yikes.....those pics are sick!
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    As some who gets it, I use apple cider vinegar when ever it starts to itch (so several times a day). If it is really bad, an oatmeal paste does wonders (what I would do is after putting on the paste, cut some finger-holes in a pair of long socks and wear them like elbow length gloves. Also bacon soda paste works ok, but gets really messy.
    I know the apple cider vinegar smells and the others can be a bit messy, but you can itch & scratch or deal with it.
    This is from a county boy who lives with it...

    Good luck
  • lsegatti
    lsegatti Posts: 77 Member
    The chlorine in a pool will help to dry it up, old home remedy: Apply apple cider vinegar. It is an acid so it dries it up, is certainly cheap enough~
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    There's a product called Ivy Dry (or something like that) that I use when I get it. I get it BAD. Also, I usually end up on steroids, which start working pretty quickly.

    Ivy Dry was the best product ever. But they changed it a few years ago, and it is worthless now.

    Also, chlorine in the pool works if you have access to one.