FITBIT or Bodybugg?



  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    I love my fitbit!!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Has anyone used either of these for strength training? I'd like to know if the fitbit can tell if I'm benching, or rowing, or doing anything where the fitbit would be stationary. It'd be a pain if I had to correct the uploaded info to MFP because the bit said 100 calories in a workout, but HRM said 500.

    I've had both. Neither can tell you're under resistance. Both require you to manually log strength workouts. Unless they've added HRM technology to the Bugg since I had it (2009). I did a long, grueling spell of kettlebell swings with it on. It acted like I was sitting down eating cookies.
  • inktink
    inktink Posts: 135 Member
    I have the BodyMedia Fit band that links to bluetooth. I was looking at the fit bit but it just doesn't offer what BMF does. Yes, you have to pay a $7 monthly subscription for BMF, but at least it's not a "glorified pedometer." It can tell the difference between the exercises I do, whether it be cardio or calesthenics, and considering the weight loss/maintenance I had before I get pregnant, it must be pretty accurate! I honestly feel like it would be a waste of money to buy the fitbit since I can pretty much average how much I walk a day. The only problem I have with the BMF band is that I wear alot of tanks/short sleeve tees and people look at the arm band like it's a house arrest band or something! Lol
  • AnnyaSB
    AnnyaSB Posts: 233 Member
    I'm a Fitbit girl all the way.

    The only con I can mention is that it is not good at calculating calories for strength training, Zumba, cycling etc but I also have an excellent HRM so I use this and adjust that calorie output - no biggie!
  • raitch
    raitch Posts: 62 Member
    I have, and like, my Fitbit. I like how well it works with MFP. If I'm doing an exercise that isn't well picked up by the pedometer function I go into MFP and input what it is, and when I started it/how long I did it, and it'll adjust my calories and my activity level.

    I also wear mine on my bra. There's a noticeable lump, but nobody's ever asked what it is.

    Mine doesn't seem super noticeable on my bra--no one has ever said anything about seeing it. I log my exercise the same way! I only take my fitbit off for showers, and about once a week for charging!

    Yeah nobody's ever asked but I can definitely see the lump when I look in the mirror ;)
  • SunnyinAZ2
    SunnyinAZ2 Posts: 2 Member
    Any comments on the FitBit clip bit vs. wrist band?