need a protein powder after early am workout??

I worked out this morning at 5am and have been STARVING ALL DAY!!! I normally do my workouts in the evening. So my question is on the days that I have an early workout should I have some protein powder w/my breakfast? If so which one? I have never bought any and have no clue which one is better. The workout I did this morning was Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. Then right after work ( I get off at 4) I will be doing the treadmill for 45min and ellipitical for about 10-15min.

That is my typical workout in a day... just normally cardio right after work then JM dvd after my kids go to bed at 8. Yesterday I left work early and got all my workouts done early, then wound up being up early unable to sleep becuase my son woke me early.


  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    Eat some food, you don't need to spend extra money on protein powder or anything like that.
  • chrisb75
    chrisb75 Posts: 395 Member
    I just started using protein powder and I am a HUGE fan of CytoSport Muscle Milk. Great stuff and actually tastes good
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Eat some food, you don't need to spend extra money on protein powder or anything like that.

    Yeah. Protein supplements are good, and protein can help you feel full longer in some cases, but if you already get enough to meet your daily requirements through "real" food you don't need to buy a supplement.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I usually don't feel like eating directly after working out, so the muscle milk or leanfit whey isolate protein works for me....Easy to shake up and drink on the way to work or while getting ready, and fills you up nicely...For me it helps keep cravings at bay, and it's easier than boiling and peeling and eating an egg!
    And I do not agree with gogophers - if you did JM's body revolution, your muscles will thank you for the protein....

    And I can't imagine NOT having any form of protein for breakfast - I'll be starving by ten and eating everything in sight by 10:20!
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    Oh today I have been eating more food!!!! I am def eating my exercise cals back today!! I just hope I dont go over! lol. I am not used to eating this much, I feel like all I have done today is eat. haha.