Help! Worried about building neck muscles during ab workouts

Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
Hello =) I am currently doing 30 Day Shred, and during some of the ab exercises I feel strain in the back of my neck. I am trying very hard to only use my abs, but is there anything besides practice that will help me eliminate neck involvement?

Also, I already have a pretty stocky neck.. is there a way to slim it down? Just an inch or so would be great

EDIT: I do know that you can't target weight loss in any particular area. Will lowering my body fat % help with my neck? Even though its not "saggy"?


  • Slimmasaurus
    Slimmasaurus Posts: 141 Member
    I don't have many helpful things to say... but if you look UP whilst doing sit ups (as opposed to forwards, curling your chin down) you will put less strain on your neck.
    My coach says to focus on the point where to wall meets the ceiling, so your neck is in more a straight line than curled down.
    I hope this helps!
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I would echo what the OP said about looking up while doing ab work - less strain.

    And yes, you need to lower body fat % overall and your neck will slim as well as the rest of you. Just an observation, from your photo, you're not stocky at all. :smile:
  • Nicci93
    Nicci93 Posts: 397 Member
    Thank you for the tips and help =)