Grenade detonator pills



  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    If it has ingredients you can't pronounce then it's best to stay away from them. That's my motto....can't pronounce it then don't eat it! I'm sure those pills are a huge waste of money as most of them are.
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    I just see green tea, caffiene, and raspberry keytones... Nothing really shoots up red flags. Just a lot of a little of this and that.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Grenade are the only thermogenic I've actually had some success with. Seems to be helping with fatloss - definition is coming in faster than I would have otherwise expected. Don't count on them alone and consider them a helpful aid.
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    Let me add to this... Fact is, fat burners work for one reason and one reason only: they contain ingredients that speed up your heart rate. If you are out of shape and don't work out, any raise in your heart rate will cause a higher metabolic rate. Sounds great? Well, not really... Fact is, just like anything else, your body will get used to it.

    I take a pre-workout supplement right now that contains things geared towards what I'm looking to achieve. There are literally 4 ingredients.

    If you want a boost for your workouts, there's nothing better than motivation and will. If you need that little extra, ONE 200mg caffeine pill. Taking even that, or, anything else in addition can make you like headed, or, even kill you. How can it kill you? Too much too soon.

    If you losing weight at 1lb a week, you are doing great. If you want to lose more, you probably need to eat more.

    Ask yourself these questions: Am I eating back all my burned calories. am I getting enough protein, carbs, and fats, am I consuming too much sodium, and, am I drinking enough water.

    Also, get away from anything "white." White bread, white rice, white flour.. etc. If the first ingredient is "enriched flour" it's not good for you. Whole grain carbs are the only way to go. Your body needs them, so, you might as well eat the right ones.

    As for your product, I wouldn't even take it and I'm more than half way there. I play hockey two nights a week, cardio and lift 4 days a week. I'm in pretty good shape and have lost 60lbs before joining and while on this site and I never took a diet pill or whatever... You can do it on your own, you just need to eat right and exercise... Eating right alone will do it. Exercising will help.

    3lbs in 3 weeks is nothing to get disappointed about... it takes patience.

    Read this:
  • stelsher
    stelsher Posts: 21
    Thanks for the informative replys, I'm not too worried about how much I've lost so far as I haven't got that much to lose. I've used thermobol before and it seemed to work quite well just got these got they were a bit cheaper.

    Took one this morning and definitely felt more 'wired' which is just the caffeine I guess. I'll report back in a week and see if they've made any noticeable differences....
  • stelsher
    stelsher Posts: 21
    Thanks for the informative replys, I'm not too worried about how much I've lost so far as I haven't got that much to lose. I've used thermobol before and it seemed to work quite well just got these got they were a bit cheaper.

    Took one this morning and definitely felt more 'wired' which is just the caffeine I guess. I'll report back in a week and see if they've made any noticeable differences....

    Well I said I'd report back in a week for anyone who was interested in this, this week I lost 3 pounds, probably would have been 4 had I not been working night shifts and it messing up my exercise / sleep patterns. They definitely raise your body temp during a workout which obviously in turn makes you sweat more. The big thing I noticed is that they do definitely give you a boost of energy during a workout - overall I'd say they're probably not for everyone although I had no adverse side effects using them. I definately ate correctly and exercised enough to get the benefit, although I suspect they'd be useless with average / poor diet (which is common sense anyway). Not a bad product, I'll continue with them I think.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    Well I said I'd report back in a week for anyone who was interested in this, this week I lost 3 pounds, probably would have been 4 had I not been working night shifts and it messing up my exercise / sleep patterns. They definitely raise your body temp during a workout which obviously in turn makes you sweat more. The big thing I noticed is that they do definitely give you a boost of energy during a workout - overall I'd say they're probably not for everyone although I had no adverse side effects using them. I definately ate correctly and exercised enough to get the benefit, although I suspect they'd be useless with average / poor diet (which is common sense anyway). Not a bad product, I'll continue with them I think.

    The diet & exercise are, as you correctly observed, the reason for the weight loss. More sweat during exercise =/= more calories burned.

    You mention no adverse reactions but have you been monitoring your blood pressure? That's one side effect of some of these pills (and "energy" drinks) that is asymptomatic until you have a stroke.
  • stelsher
    stelsher Posts: 21

    Well I said I'd report back in a week for anyone who was interested in this, this week I lost 3 pounds, probably would have been 4 had I not been working night shifts and it messing up my exercise / sleep patterns. They definitely raise your body temp during a workout which obviously in turn makes you sweat more. The big thing I noticed is that they do definitely give you a boost of energy during a workout - overall I'd say they're probably not for everyone although I had no adverse side effects using them. I definately ate correctly and exercised enough to get the benefit, although I suspect they'd be useless with average / poor diet (which is common sense anyway). Not a bad product, I'll continue with them I think.

    The diet & exercise are, as you correctly observed, the reason for the weight loss. More sweat during exercise =/= more calories burned.

    You mention no adverse reactions but have you been monitoring your blood pressure? That's one side effect of some of these pills (and "energy" drinks) that is asymptomatic until you have a stroke.

    You raise a good point, I'm at the doctors this week so I'll get it checked while i'm there (although I think a stroke might stretching it somewhat) - I don't suffer from high blood pressure normally and haven't felt any different on these to be honest - the only thing i've felt is a slight burning sensation but given the ingrediants and high caffeine content I'd have expected that, this usually passes within a few minutes. There's nothing sensational or OTT in these, just the usual stuff like green tea/cayenne/caffeine etc.

    What works for one person's body might be totally rejected by someone else so i'm in no way making a case for these as some sort of miracle, was just interested to see if they worked which in the short term they seem to. I probably wouldn't use them long term as apart from anything else they're not cheap! But used in the short term when looking for an extra 5-10% boost along with sensible use/diet they've been very good, i've certainly seen results in terms of fat loss already.