Feeling a bit down.

so I've been at this for a couple of weeks now, and in general, I've been doing pretty good. Unfortunately I've had a really bad week, food wise. I don't understand this because a lot of good things have been happening this week! I start my day of really well. I plan what I will eat and up until dinner time, I stick to my plan. But come dinner, I go off coarse. I snack and take a little of this and a little of that. It's really discouraging. I keep telling myself that tomorrow is a new day, but I'm still discouraged. I havn't lost ANY weight this week! :explode: :cry:


  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    will power is a hard thing for me! and that sounds like your problem. i just keep thinking what a waste of a good day if i pick at junk... and it will take longer to get results. and if i feel like picking off the kids food... i stay away from them while they are eating lol.. and drink ALOT of water! lol.. it fills you up! down a whole bottle as fast as you can lol... then when they are done. i try not to even think about it and i throw it all down the disposal as quickly as possible...
  • SDawgW
    SDawgW Posts: 160 Member
    You sound a lot like me! I can do really well through the day and even eat a sensible supper but once I'm done the last bite off my plate, it's like, "Okay....what else can I eat?" I'm almost always left feeling unsatisfied and ravenously hungry.

    Evenings are my worst but I've found the last couple of nights haven't been too bad. After supper, I clean up the kitchen and any other room that has things out of order (busy hands won't snack!). I get my daughter to bed around 8pm and then I go for a quick 30 min run on the treadmill. Then I treat myself to a bubble bath with a big glass of water and strawberries and maybe a couple candles.

    When I get out, I treat myself to some nice body lotion and really work it in....give my muscles a nice massage (I know...it never feels as good as when someone else does it!!! hahaha). Then I put on my PJ's and check my e-mail then go to bed for a good night's rest!

    It sounds lame but it works for me. I don't watch any tv in the evenings because that's when I'm more likely to want/need to snack. Instead, I record the shows I like (which are pretty few anyway) and I watch them in the morning while I'm eating breakfast/lunch (or in the winter months, when I workout indoors).

    So basically, all I can say is to surround yourself with only healthy choices for supper and then afterwards, only allow yourself the healthy snack then keep your hands busy. If you're into things like scrapbooking, needlepoint or knitting, video games, painting, etc. then get into it and keep busy. Or better yet - go out for a long stroll and enjoy the summer evenings :flowerforyou:

    Hope that helps a bit :)
  • jangofett1999
    Hi Spice,
    I just started myself recently and I agree its tough. I don't know if this will work for you but I exercise right before dinner time. I find myself really not hungry but thirsty so I drink a lot of water when I'm done. Then, by the time I actually have dinner made I'm only marginally hungry. Later that evening if I find myself hungry again (which fortunately isnt too often), celery and carrot sticks! If you stick with it, you'll be surprised how quickly your stomach shrinks. If I'm really bad, I'll exercise again even if only for 10 min. A little sweat goes a long way to kill an appetite. Hope it works for you. Stick with it.:smile:
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • spicespice04
    thanks guys! your all great =) I think that will power is definitely my problem, but you all have given me some ideas to chew on. (pun intended):laugh: If anyone else has some ideas, keep them coming!
  • nobleps
    nobleps Posts: 95
    it's easy to blame will power. What is it? I have been strong enough to do many other things in my life...quit smokin 28 years ago, made it through divorce, and worked all my life. I don't think it is will power you need to do but...BREAK BAD:devil: HABITS. It's like smoking. You get used to paterns, you have specific tastes, and triggers like stress or boredom. Sometimes we are just week because we are to tired to fight it.:cry: Recognize how you are feeling, change habits. I like to grab a whole cucumber at night if I need to eat something. Then drink water:drinker: Tiny calories that don't count in them. If you keep looking for that willpower...you might put it off the rest of your life. Also find good motivaters, strong reasons for you to change, YOU are important! Only you can take care of you. Fit in that me time to change old habits. Sorry for preaching:smooched:
  • spicespice04
    No no, preach away! I think that bad habits are part of the problem. thanks =)
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Totally with you, oh truly noblefairy. All of us who have quit smoking have already proven we've got TONS of willpower. The problem with food is, you can't just quit, you've got to keep eating but changing the way you eat, and that's the hard part.

    I'm usually starving when I get home from work, even though I take a good lunch along as well as healthy snacks. I've got to have some cut up veggies or similar healthy stuff just sitting there waiting for me, or I can't make it through to supper (which I have to cook, but that's another story :mad: ). The best way for me to not eat junk? Don't have any in the house :drinker:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I'm with you. And, Nobelfairy, you're a noble soul. Hanne, you nailed it down! Yep, we can't give up food (I haven't thought about it that way, but you are totally right :flowerforyou: ).

    So, spice, how about you put a lock on the kitchen door after dinner? :glasses: You'll be happy you had time to grab water in a bottle :laugh: . Well, this is what they did at a dorm I was staying - the kitchen would be locked at 10 p.m. and it was the only tap with a filter. So I had to make sure I got water in a bottle before 10 . :smile: Sure, I could take snacks up in my room, but I did not want to touch food past that time. It worked for me.

    It's a prob, if you come hungry from work. Cos then, even after you eat properly, your brain's not computing it right away. So maybe drink a glass of water before dinner? Or right ater, to make you feel fuller.

    Brush you teeth after dinner, if you think it'll help. I heard it works for some people.

    Good luck. YOU can do it! (So can I, right? :grumble: )
  • spicespice04
    haha, I really wish that there was a door on my kitchen to lock. Maybe the fridge....
    Thank you for the suggestions and encouragement! All of you!!:flowerforyou: