Just found this site.......

Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
And wanted to say "wow", I was googling around, looking for somewhere to log my food intake, and came across this site. I've tried food logging before, but found it too fiddly. I didn't hold out too much hope for this one but had a pleasant surprise. My evening snacks alone showed up to be over 700 calories. Ooops!

So anyway, hello, I'm Lucy, and I've got a load of weight to lose. I 've tried Ww and Sw, and lost 3 stone twice.....and then found it again both times. I've just read Bob Harpers "The Skinny Rules" which i found interesting, and I'm certainly going to try and incoroprate some of them, such as drinking a glass of waterr befo each meal, upping my protein (I don't eat meat, but do eat fish and eggs) and increasing my fibre. I'm also going to go cold turkey on diet coke and generally try to make healthier choices.

I've got a holiday booked for July 21st...it would be nice to see some looser clothes by then.....

Take care



  • tgnzmum
    tgnzmum Posts: 41
    Hi Lucy! Welcome to MFP!! You are gonna love it here!! Good luck on your journey! ~Heather
  • clairekugler
    clairekugler Posts: 11 Member
    You ARE going to love it here :3
    I'm new here too, kinda. Be careful on the quitting cold turkey. Although it's very good idea to quit, starving yourself might risk overloading if you ever break down. At least, that's what I've found. Good luck! ~Claire
  • Utahgirl12
    Utahgirl12 Posts: 172 Member
    Thank you for your welcomes Claire & Heather. Doing my food log last night was a real eye opener as to how many calories I waste in snacking. Having a much better day today....it helps that the sun is shining, a rare event in rainy Wales! Just been for a 3 mile walk.

    Lucy x
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Welcome :)
    Healthy eating is a lifestyle ... sometimes those programs just don't work. You've got to change your lifestyle ... slowly but surely! Finding some healthy snacks in replacement of unhealthy snacks is good too. I often make a lot of veggies during the day and then eat them as a snack later on in the evening. Fruit is another good choice, although they can be higher in calories.

    Btw fish IS meat.
