brown rice anyone



  • MdmeLibrarian
    Eating white rice has the nutritional equivalent of eating a tissue; there is nothing in white rice for your body to use, but it still comes with calories. The MyFitnessPal database gives different types of brown rice 150-218 calories per cup of cooked rice.

    Brown rice has a slightly nutty flavor. Throw some spices in! Spices don't have any calories, and a little seasoned salt makes a HUGE difference! A bouillon cube in the pot adds a bit more fat and sodium, but a ton of flavor. Spicy spices (Mexican, Indian, etc) make it delicious. Take a look at Zatarain's rice kits to get some ideas of what you can do.

    I think the big difference here is eating plain rice to eat rice (boring), when rice should be a complementing part of the dish you are eating. Rice is not quite like pasta, which can stand alone. Rice is there to provide a base, and soak up sauces and flavors. Try it under stir-frys, or try some ethnic dishes like rice and beans, or Spanish rice.
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    Most rice have similar amount of calories (around 120-150 for 100g).

    Brown rice has more fibre and a little less fat but it takes twice as long to cook as white rice unless it is a microwaveable version.

    I prefer brown basamti over normal brown rice. It is less dry and is great with vegetable curries.

    There are lots of speciality flavours. The mushroom basmati one is nice.
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    I eat brown rice everyday because is so damn cheap and i shop on a tight budget. But i don't mind telling you that the minute i find an alternative to it, it's gone from my diet. Everyone goes on and on about how it's whole grain and rich in fiber, but i think that's greatly overstated. Out of the great 35g of carbs you get from a tiny serving you only get about 4g of fiber. You are better off making a stir-fry with some protein and veggies instead especially if you're watching your carb intake. If not, then knock yourself out, I suppose it's still way better than eating white rice.... Just my 2 cents :)
  • sparkie2bfit
    I love brown rice and can be used in so many ways. One of my favorites is to brown it dry in a skillet, it brings out the nutty flavor. I also saute onions with it, I cook it with chicken broth and it is very satisfying. Brown rice is one of the best whole foods. I like it with sauteed temphe.
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    brown rice is better for you than white rice, & it's lower in calories too.
  • keeshieb
    keeshieb Posts: 25 Member
    Brown rice is good for dieting its not loaded with calories as a matter of fact it taste bad if you dont know how to cook it right ive been cooking it for five years in my household in replacement of white rice n by the way the kids love it.You have to know how to cook it right or it will taste nasty.