Blood Pressure Med Question



  • sgriska
    sgriska Posts: 109 Member
    This topic is obviously long-dead, but I just wanted to express how thankful I am for all the great shared info in these forums, given what a relative dearth there seems to be elsewhere -- lots of articles/studies mention rebound edema as a thing that happens, but not much for the nuts and bolts of what to expect in terms of how quickly it might resolve.

    I was taken off HCTZ three weeks ago and have gained weight and having trouble getting it to budge in spite of more than doubling the amount I've been walking every day (10,000 steps to ~22,000), being careful to avoid sodium, etc. But, it sounds from this thread like this should start turning around pretty soon for me, so I'm glad. So long as I know in a few more weeks things should start moving again, I'll be fine. It's so frustrating to be doing "everything right" and have nothing working out as it should!
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I experienced the same thing. Definately your body's way of responding to a change in medication. It will level off and start dropping eventually.