When will my metabolism be back to normal?



  • daniellepants
    Really, you need to be talking to your parents about this because they are the ones that can provide you the help that you really need.

    I know I should talk to them, but my mom has never supported me through anything. She doesn't support me being a vegetarian, she wants me to eat like a fat person, she yells at me when I grab something healthy from the kitchen. I've tried to get help when I was suicidal 2 years ago, but she just didn't do anything. She refuses to get me help for anything that involves my mental health. And I don't know if I can make her realize that this is serious and I could die.
  • kristineevans
    kristineevans Posts: 56 Member
    Don't be embarrassed, doctors hear it all the time, I'm recovering from restricting and purging and contacted my doc by phone she was great and very understanding and sent me for blood test and we talked about going for treatment she wanted me to go in and see her but I bottled it as didn't feel ill enough to warrant it. I have succeeded to get myself to a healthier point BUT I have had treatment in the past and thought long and hard about what I learnt then. I am going to see her on Friday though to have a chat about how things are going.

    Recovery is all about working through relapses and having a support system is vital, the doctor won't send you into hospital unless your bmi is critically low or you are a danger to yourself, and if you are actively tring to recover then I doubt you are!

    Good luck feel free to add me x
  • kristineevans
    kristineevans Posts: 56 Member
    At 16 im pretty sure your still old enough to seek help alone if you are in the uk anyway x
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I'm afraid that because you aren't 18 you may get booted off the site so please consider taking action by telling one or both of your parents about your feelings and asking to see a doctor or professional. I believe that you already knew to do this and are testing the water by asking on here. Good luck to you honey!