Anyone heard anything about shakeology? Please share



  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member
  • msperkey3
    msperkey3 Posts: 93 Member
    Personally, i think its way overpriced also, but its the best tasting meal replacement/protein shake (i don't care what u call it ) that I've found. I stopped it a few months ago because of the price..searched high and low for some other choice..the one i ended up with, myofusion, was just i went back to shakeology...i just do half a scoop and half a of myofusion ...its about convince for me because i stay busy all day long and need something fast to grab..just works for me...
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    overpriced or not (depends how you look at it) it works and I need a quick meal int he morning and it keeps me full until my next meal.
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Shakeology is not a bad meal replacement, but I would recommend a nice recipe, because it isn't that great tasting on its own. It, has more nutrients and more daily value of vegetables for the day, which most meal replacements don't do. But with a proper nutrition plan, I honestly feel you can get that daily value. It's good for those who are busy and always on the go. However, it is very pricey, and not easily affordable. I prefer whey protein shakes that are much cheaper and still filling. But that's just my opinion. I got a free sample with my Insanity program, but I just couldn't see my self drinking that anymore. I prefer real food :P
  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member

    is better, and cheaper.

    Doesnt taste as good - but if you are drinking something like this for taste over benefits, go to McDonalds and buy a chocolate shake.
  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member
    for the record, I love beachbody videos... great products... what I hate is the coach MLM system that pushes the shakes.

    Too many coaches trying to create buzz on shakeology as the best thing out there - and so many are just repeating the mantra they were taught from their sales kit. Plus when anyone asks about Shakeology, three dozen coaches all jump in thinking if they say how great it is, they will score a sale.

    The coaches I admire are the ones that put fitness first, have a nutritional and fitness education and make money by being a subject matter expert that doesnt mean just being a beachbody cheerleader. There are a few of them out there that are excellent. But so many are just trying to sell goods and nothing more.
  • pennyrtyler
    pennyrtyler Posts: 79 Member
    But that NitroCore stuff contains Soy Protein. Soy Protein is one of the worst things to put in your body as is soy milk. Its a major endocrine disruptor. You are not supposed to consume Soy unless it has been fermented like Soy sauce or Tempeh or tofu or Miso. Soy milk and soy protein isolate, textured soy protein and all that other non-fermented crap is reeeeeeaaaaalllly bad for your health.

    unbiased research sources, please. ;)

    Plant Hormones

    The family of plant hormones suspected to act as endocrine disruptors (EDs) are called phytoestrogens. They are very similar to natural human estrogens, but tend to be much weaker than human estrogens. Phytoestrogens are in:

    •soy products
    •citrus fruits
    •certain grains (wheat, alfalfa)
    Exposure to phytoestrogens occurs mainly through food. This may include eating tofu, soy-milk, and other soy products. Infants may be exposed through soy-based formula.

    I copied the above from a journal from Emory University's Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit. Now - I want to go on record as saying that I don't think soy and other foods are "the devil," necessarily. But I do recognize a need to choose other staples, and enjoy these foods in moderation.
  • hrtotten
    hrtotten Posts: 26
    I've been drinking Shakeology for 3 years. I just tried the new Vegan Chocolate today and really liked it. It doesn't have any soy or corn and the protein is plant-based from pea and biofermented brown rice. I'm looking forward to seeing how I like it over the long haul. :) If you want more information, feel free to message me. I started drinking it when it first came out and have seen my health improve a great deal.
  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    Too many coaches trying to create buzz on shakeology as the best thing out there - and so many are just repeating the mantra they were taught from their sales kit. Plus when anyone asks about Shakeology, three dozen coaches all jump in thinking if they say how great it is, they will score a sale.

    The coaches I admire are the ones that put fitness first, have a nutritional and fitness education and make money by being a subject matter expert that doesnt mean just being a beachbody cheerleader. There are a few of them out there that are excellent. But so many are just trying to sell goods and nothing more.

    As I coach I agree! As I have told many people Shakeology is not for everyone for whatever reason. What matters the most is proper nutrition, exercise and having a support system. Do I use shakeology? yes. But that alone does not = weight loss it's all the components I have listed previously.
  • LizBittenbender
    I saw some people comment it might be worth it if you could get individual packet or try it first. I have some packets in choc and van I could sell if anyone wants to try.

    I agree its not cheap but they also arent giving you cheap quality they superfoods and vitamins in this shake are obvious in how I feel. I am slowly but surely losing weight and the shakeology might help but it is not the reason its because I am eating clean and working out daily. This shakeology makes eating clean easier because its one meal out of the day I dont have to worry about at all, and a plus its delicious. I am a picky one too. Also this shakeology has given me so much more energy and as a graduate student I am desperate for that and has helped with my daily stomach pains. So 4 bucks a day to me is totally 100% worth it. Email me if you have any questions or want to see about getting some individual packets.