Stopping the overeating at night tips?



  • Sean_The_IT_Guy
    Not sure how many of these have been touched on , but here's what works for me:

    1. Eat your supper later.
    2. Eat a mid-evening snack high in protein and/or fiber. (lean chicken breast, beef jerky, steamed vegetables, carrot sticks, etc)
    3. Don't be bored. Boredom is a more insidious trigger to eat than hunger.
    4. Get out of the house. Go work in the yard until the sun goes down, or take a walk, etc.
    5. Go to bed early. If you have kids, hit the sack as soon as they do. You may have less time to do housework, but you'll get more rest and feel better and you (probably) can't eat in your sleep.
  • lisav6
    lisav6 Posts: 56
    I was just about to suggest the brushing teeth thing too, I do this to stop my late night munchies. Also if I find myself on the sofa watching trash TV I will take myself off to bed with a good book and a herbal tea instead.
  • subtractionproject
    subtractionproject Posts: 64 Member
    I tend to do the same - the 'munchies' creep in (no, not that kind) and I want to nibble on crap in front of the tv. The only thing that helps me is a shower, to slather myself in moisturiser (you can't eat chips when your hands are covered in Nivea hand cream) and an early night.
  • mamaomefo
    mamaomefo Posts: 418 Member
    Diet sugar free jello and Wasa crispbreads for night time snacks!
  • mgram2
    mgram2 Posts: 128 Member
    I try to save about 200-300 calories for night time just for this reason.
    My boyfriend and I LOVE making popcorn at night. We share a bag of the 94% fat free popcorn which is about 120-130 calories each.
    I love it cause it feels like you get to eat foreverrrrr if you eat it one piece at a time!
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I generally consume more than 1/2 of my daily calories after 10pm (but not over my "allowance"-I just don't eat "big" meals during the day). I am usually in bed by 11pm or midnight. I've stopped trying to force myself to not be hungry at night-it doesn't work for me. So I work with it and eat when I'm hungry-but within my goal. I just posted a topic asking why this is considered such a sin-and so far-the consensus is that it's hogwash that you can't eat late at night as long as you're staying within your goals. So I you're saving up a couple hundred calories for your late night snacking-as long as you're not eating more than that-then snack on! It's working for me.
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    Maybe I'm weird, because I prefer to go to bed a little hungry! Even if I"m really hungry, I hate to eat really late at night. I do eat too much at dinner sometimes just because after work I'm very hungry, but MFP has been helping me not to do that.
  • wrecktechno
    wrecktechno Posts: 145 Member
    Buy some ultra high cocoa % dark chocolate and have a square or drink tea. Lots and lots of tea (pref green). I have about a bagillion cups of tea a day to stop myself eating.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    go cold turkey, I found that it was uncomfortable for a week or so but then it was fine. It is a lot better to have a week of fighting the urge rather than nurturing it for ever.
  • kare4acure
    kare4acure Posts: 18
    yes, same here. Getting to know your triggers and changing that behaviour!! Snacking while I read was a HUGE one for me too. If I MUST nibble, I try to make it something that is crunchy like carrots, popcorn or sunflower seeds, but I am currently working on just READING and NOT snacking!!! If the book is good enough...Like the Hunger Games Triology, I soon forget about food. (well ok, it helps that the characters are starving most of the time lol) Good advice here, I agree with everything you have said!!
  • kare4acure
    kare4acure Posts: 18
    I try to save about 200-300 calories for night time just for this reason.
    My boyfriend and I LOVE making popcorn at night. We share a bag of the 94% fat free popcorn which is about 120-130 calories each.
    I love it cause it feels like you get to eat foreverrrrr if you eat it one piece at a time!

  • seamadden
    seamadden Posts: 46 Member
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Drinking Hot tea!!!!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    I like to have some cut up berries and a square of dove dark chocolate. And a cup of tea. Fills me up, and satisfies my sweet craving.

    This!! I have berries and tea!! Even during my 3 o'clock crash I drink tea so I don't hit the candy bowl! :)
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I don't think it matters. I eat, in moderation around 200-300 calories, up until I go to bed and it's worked for me just fine. Calories in calories out.
  • ehg87
    ehg87 Posts: 430 Member
    chew a piece of gum.....or better yet brush your teeth...nothing tastes good after you've just brushed
  • tomusiakl
    tomusiakl Posts: 225 Member
    Seriously, I brush my teeth from early and the desire for food goes away. Try it. Then only sip on some water.
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    Is there a reason why you eat at night? Are you hungry or just bored or is it just a habit to eat then?

    By saving cals during the day for the night are you stopping yourself from eating when you're hungry at all?

    Make sure you're only eating when you're hungry and not because you're bored. Also, if you're going to snack at night, try to eat things like carrots, yogurt, almonds...etc.
  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    Try replacing the habit of eating at night with other healthy habits. Exercise, go out for a walk, or prep healthy food for tomorrow! Make yourself a salad for tomorrow's lunch, if you end up binging on that, there's nothing wrong with that. I also have a 'treat' snack I have in the evening that's filling, and that I really look forward too. I have a 35 calorie yogurt with half a cup of fresh or frozen berries, and a quarter cup of granola. It satisfied my sweet tooth, and come in at around 140 calories altogether. After a week or two, you'll stop craving it!
  • HeatherGTaylor
    HeatherGTaylor Posts: 48 Member
    I was getting so bad at night. Binging up to 1000 calories over just at night! I agree with all the popcorn posts, I save enough calories for a regular butter size popcorn bag (about 420 cal) and 1-2 jello chocolate puddings. Covers the range of salty and sweet and the bulk size.

    So far it's worked for me, I know if I eat a small something I'll go get another small something and another and another....