Help! Rut on third week?!

Hi. I started my weight loss journey about 3 weeks ago. The first week I lost 6lbs, the second week I lost 3.5lbs. I weigh in on monday mornings and I have a bad habit of stepping on the scale everyday (sometimes several times a day) to "peek" and see if I've lost anymore. Well, I've been stuck at the same weight since my last weigh in and sometimes going up 2 lbs then back down but no lower. Monday is coming up so I am getting discouraged. Am I freaking out for no reason? Is this normal? I've been really good not going over or binging. Any advice would help. Thanks.


  • emma7437
    emma7437 Posts: 225 Member
    Three weeks is nothing, so don't stress at all. I have been on here for 6 months and now know I have weeks when I lose nothing, other than a bit of up and down due to fluid. As the weeks go on, you learn about your own weight loss patterns. Mine is fairly random, but I know if I go a week and lose nothing, as long as I remain good with my eating and exercise, then the next week I lose enough for both weeks. Weight loss will never be consistent, not due to effort necessarily but simply because that is our bodies. Give it time, be patient, remain faithful to how you want to eat and exercise and it will work. Enjoy the process, it is all worth it.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    the scale is not everything. so many people focus on it and give up when it doesn't move. measure yourself. track your inches. how do clothes feel? how do YOU feel?
  • Bennettjade
    Enjoy the process, it is all worth it.

    Thanks! I like that you said that because I find myself ENJOYING eating healthy, not so much the exercise, but I'll get there hehe.
    And as far as how I feel, I do feel better. Clothes are a little more lose, not too much. I am noticing my double chin going down!