Air Conditioning Make You Fat



  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Please consider the SOURCES of these articles. and some blog. They do not sound like trustworthy sites for true medical information. Just because its online, doesn't make it true!!! And if you do believe everything you read online, you are in trouble!

    While I agree with this, Cracked does actually cite their (generally reliable) sources. They don't just make stuff up. And, their info has proven to be extremely useful in at least one real life situation recently in which my husband killed a rattlesnake (that was in our front yard) and he knew to stay away from it's head even after it was dead because they have heat sensors that can make them bite. After they're dead. So, I am very thankful for Cracked and their interesting articles.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I guess if this were true, every person in my neck of the woods would be fat.

    AC is on 24/7 in South Florida. There may be a few months in Jan/Feb if we are lucky, where the windows are open and free cool air blows. Most of the time it is regulated by my little gauge :love:

    75-79 is the norm, and I like it cold. Some friends are at the 74 mark all the time, others at the 79-80 mark. I do not see a pattern in their weight. As a matter of fact, the one girl I know who is always at 72 is the tiniest of all, and so are her daughters.

    My first thought was that this article was going to say it keeps us inside, and away from being active out of doors. THIS I could believe. There are days I go from apt to car to work and then in reverse, never to go out side for longer than 5 minutes. Like last week when it was 98!

  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    While I agree with this, Cracked does actually cite their (generally reliable) sources. They don't just make stuff up. And, their info has proven to be extremely useful in at least one real life situation recently in which my husband killed a rattlesnake (that was in our front yard) and he knew to stay away from it's head even after it was dead because they have heat sensors that can make them bite. After they're dead. So, I am very thankful for Cracked and their interesting articles.
    They do cite their sources and their info is very often accurate. But be sure you don't rely on it without checking the sources yourself. It is a comedy website first and foremost, and they sometimes bend or exaggerate the facts to suit that purpose.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I think its really due to the fact that air conditioning makes you want to sit on your *kitten* and watch tv all day when its 99 degrees F outside.
    Actually, no. It makes the house comfortable enough to get on the treadmill.

    That's if you actually enjoy running in place like a rodent on a wheel. I have a treadmill, but there has to be a hurricane or crazy heatwave to make me want to run inside. Even then I'll never get as good of a workout :frown:
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    if that was true, i would have been a stick growing up because we didn't have AC.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    FACT: You are ALWAYS burning calories throughout the day whether sitting on the couch or running outside. Why do you think BMR exists?
    What makes you fat is eating more than you burn. That is also a fact.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    But put the body in a room that's 72 degrees all the time, and those processes don't run. No energy is burned and no calories are spent.

    That's why I set my AC to 68F.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    I think its really due to the fact that air conditioning makes you want to sit on your *kitten* and watch tv all day when its 99 degrees F outside.
    Actually, no. It makes the house comfortable enough to get on the treadmill.

    That's if you actually enjoy running in place like a rodent on a wheel. I have a treadmill, but there has to be a hurricane or crazy heatwave to make me want to run inside. Even then I'll never get as good of a workout :frown:
    I never said it was super awesome, but it's better than not moving because it's too hot outside. I am not a rodent on a wheel. I just don't enjoy heat stroke.
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    KUDOS to everyone who finds a way to do EXERCISE, be it running on a treadmill, taking an exercise class, jogging in place in their living room, running outside, anything! Keep up the good work and benefit from your form of exercise.

  • BostonMatt
    BostonMatt Posts: 258
    Jeez, and all this time I thought it was the fried food, beer, extra carbs and fat I was eating. Silly me.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Wow! What did people do in the days before air conditioning? I hate it - it makes me feel sick. It has to be in the 100's outside for me to turn mine on. But then again, I'm in the desert, so it's a dry heat...get a little fan action going and it's all good. An ocean breeze blows in the evening and cools things right down.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    I wish it was true. It's always freezing in my office, so I would be like a stick just now :laugh: . Wish it was warm enought in Bonnie Scotland to need air con lol
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    They got up before dawn to get the chores done in the coolest part of the day. That was their exercise. They didn't have McDonalds drive thrus and such. They ate real food.
  • octleigh
    octleigh Posts: 86 Member

    My first thought was that this article was going to say it keeps us inside, and away from being active out of doors. THIS I could believe. There are days I go from apt to car to work and then in reverse, never to go out side for longer than 5 minutes. Like last week when it was 98!


    ^^^^^^ EXACTLY!!!