Mountain Elevation Preparation


So in about a week I'll be up in the mountains, and right now I'm doing good- I'm jogging in the mornings, and doing some basic cardio/strength training. But I know my breath will be changed when I hit the elevated country.

What are some good ways to prepare my body for the change?


  • bzgl40
    bzgl40 Posts: 69 Member
    I moved into the mountains recently. First week or so were rough on the running. I am not sure there really is anything you can do to prepare yourself honestly. You just need to check your ego at the door when you go out for runs and know it will be harder and you will need to slow down. Another key thing is to stay hydrated. I use to live where humidity is about the same where I am now, low teens, but the altitude still takes more out of you so you dehydrate a bit more quickly.