What kind of heartrate monitor should I get?

I have been thinking about getting a heart rate monitor, but I am clueless about what kind to get and I am afraid that the chest strap will not fit around my chest. I also want one that will tell me my calories burned. I searched on Amazon, but I just don't know which to try. Plus my budget is around $60 or less.


  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Polar FT4 is going to be your best bet... It's around 60 dollars on Amazon Shipped.

    The strap goes under your bust is made of fabric and elastic.. so it's pretty stretchy.
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    I am a big fan of Polar. They are comfortable and they last. They are also quite accurate.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I have a Polar FT40. Do not worry about the chest strap not fitting. I am 6'3, large frame and at the time was 440# ish. The strap fit fine. It is very stretchy and soft fabric. You'll forget it's even there. The cheapest you can get is Polar FT4. Whatever brand you decide on, make sure you get a chest strap. Those HRM are more accurate than ones without.
    Sorry forgot to add, my specific model, the FT40 averages 100$ The FT4 is less in price. Not so sure on cost though.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    I've got the Polar H7, which is just the sensor & chest strap. Good way to go if you've got an iPhone since the H7 can be used (via Bluetooth) with apps like MapMyRun/Walk/Fitness, Digitfit, etc.
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    The Polar HRM are the best as they were the first in the business. So they so of course :)

    Got the FT7 which does a few more things being a bit more costly and higher up on the scale of abilities.

    The best thing to remember with chest strap also is, you can make the adjustment yourself. You can always add elastic to it if needed. Hand sewing mate. Bit of similar sized elastic and a sewing needle will do the job. Just gotta have the heart rate monitors at the right spot in the front. Hopefully all will hold with sewing, or clips, something in the sewing and fabric section of the craft shops, those people always like to offer help.

    Getting the Polar ones on here seems to be a popular option. The FT4, a model below seems to get good responses also.

    Just shop around for the best price.

    You have to remember though, the ones with just a watch isn't going to give you the best results, you will have to go with the chest strap ones. The exercise machines and so called 'heart rate' watches without the chest strap seriously can only give you an average. Once I was able to compare my HRM with the exercise bike machines results, I was blown away with how different they were. My watch is specific to my heart, so the readings are right on which is so much better than just an average. If you are like me and have high blood pressure, your readings will be more than the average machines and wrist watches alone.

    Awesome deciding to get one, they are truly motivating and so much fun when you are able to see all activities are able to burn up cals. From walking doing the shopping, to house work, to mowing the lawn (which btw is a huge cal burner!) My only motivator for doing the lawn lol.

    Good on ya matey. Any support for fitness is a positive!

    cheers and best of luck for your journey.
  • I got the Polar FT4 for 65 on Amazon, check it out!
  • BigRich822
    BigRich822 Posts: 681
    Polar makes some very good ones and are very inexpensive. IF you want a great one I suggest a Garmin
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    If you get a Polar, do NOT toss out your receipt and paperwork. If you have to return it for servicing, they will NOT service it without your purchase receipt. I am stuck with a $100 non-functioning Ft7 and am very frustrated with the horrible customer service at Polar. So please learn from me, dont get a Polar as a gift either since you wouldnt have a receipt then as well.
  • MbiggsHFD319
    MbiggsHFD319 Posts: 427 Member
    OK I just got the Polar FT7 for christmas. My question is: Is there any differences between the woman's model and the mens other than the color? I got the mens model and I don't want to open it if there is any big differences and I should try to exchange it for the woman's version. I am pretty small so I am a bit worried that the main difference is size and will the men's verson be small enough to fit me.
  • Sarah1023
    Sarah1023 Posts: 194 Member
    Agree with the recs for Polar's. I bought a Timex, was not happy AT ALL, so took it back and got the Polar FT4 and I absolutely love it!