My Personal 21 Day Chellenge!

So' Ive been pretty horrendous lately, (I just started working at a chocolate factory, and your allowed to eat all the stuff you want + there's free latte/capp/hot choc machines in the break room) I've only gained about a pound, but that's still a pound in the wrong direction, and I want to trim down a bit for when I go camping at Turkey Point at the end of Auq, seeing as we'll mainly be on a beach all day :)

So here's my plan.
I'm going to go for 21 days straight, no matter what. I've already messed up a couple times, and when I do, I start back at day 1.


I will do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.

I will do 30 minutes of aerobic cardio (mainly going to be uphill on a treadmill, but I might switch it up a bit)

And I'm going to eat 1200cal per day. I've found when I eat my exercise cals, I don't really lose. Of course if I feel faint or whatever, but as long as my body says I'm okay, I'm going to try and stick with this.

Any suggestions or criticism? I know there's a lot of people on ehre that know a lot more than I do, so some feedback would be appreciated :flowerforyou:

Pluss, if anyone wants to join me, that would be awesome! The more the merrier! :bigsmile:


  • SaraAnne
    SaraAnne Posts: 53
    I'll join you!!! Sounds pretty intense, i need it. I go back to school in about 3 weeks and it'd be nice to look good when I get back! haha

    Hopefully it'll be easier to do together and keep e/o on track. Good luck!!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Same with school! Kinda the other reason I'm doing it haha.

    I've got my cardio and 30 day shred done. And I'm at about 420 cal today, (my schedules a little messed cause I work nights most weeks) So for me that's breakfast and a snack haha. I'm going to eat dinner soon, then my boyfriend and I are going to see a movie, so I'm saving a few cals in case we want to munch :p

    I'm so excitted to have someone joining me :bigsmile:
    Will you be starting tomorrow?
  • Grate
    Grate Posts: 71
    A Chocolate Factory!!! Oh my, I would just die. I love chocolate. I pray that when you look at a chocolate that you will be repulsed by it and in no way tempted to eat. Good luck on your challenge. Grate
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Yeah I work at Ferrero Rocher :noway:
    I'm starting to get to the repulsed point haha, but it just seems I'll never quite get sick of the white chocolate coconut ones. Ah well, they're 53 cals each, so on days I work, I try to leave myslef 100cal in case I do have a couple lol

    I just wish I knew how many cals the hot chocolate is
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    I'll join you!

    im back at uni in september and its also my 21st in sept so im hoping to lose weight by then

