Obese and Pregnant

So, I just got a BFP this morning. Mixed emotions. Excited to be having a kid, but the plan was to lose alot more weight before ttc. I'm wondering if anyone on here has any tips for me.
Obviously eating healthy, but as far as exercise? I need to make a dr. apt. and I'm sure she can tell me whats up, but until then, any advise?

I dont need you to tell me I should have lost weight first,...that was the plan.


  • jehembee
    jehembee Posts: 114
    Walking is good whether you're pregnant or not.
    BEMND Posts: 33
    You can still do many exercises while pregnant. Make sure to discuss your weight concerns with your obgyn. If you are overweight you can still have a healthy baby without gaining a ton of weight. I gained 13lbs during my pregnancy & had a perfect & healthy 10lb baby boy. Congrats!
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Obviously check with your doctor, but there's usually no reason you can't do any exercise you feel like throughout most of your pregnancy. I've had fitness class instructors in their 3rd trimester, teaching barbell/cardio workouts. What is healthy for your body is healthy for your body in pregnancy, too, with few exceptions.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    I fell pregnant with my fifth n I had not planned it... 43yrs old...losing weight slowly but surely. For previous pregnancies I had only ever gained weight so I was distressed. I kept thinking however, that surely seeing as I'm in the obese category still that I'm not expected to gain 12 kilos (average) for this pregnancy n maybe I could use this to my advantage and still have a healthy bub n a happy mum at the end. So I did some research. Spoke to a few doctors and my PT. They all said same thing... That healthy weight gain during pregnancy now depended on your bmi. For me, still in the obese category, it was 6 kgs. I gained 3 in the first trimester and 3 in the last. I ate nutritiously for the baby, tried to stay within my calorie allowance which was 1300 (I upped it the recommended 100cal/ day for bub) and I still went to my personal trainer twice a week up until a week before I had bub. Bub was born healthy ...6+ pounds and I had lost not only the 6kg but also another 4kg. I'm settling back into life with baby in house and back to trainer and walking occasionally n more motivated than ever.

    It's doable! Talk to docs. They have the latest online medical research. Add me as friend if u want support.
  • medwards89
    medwards89 Posts: 97 Member
    I was very out of shape and obese when I got pregnant. I was not trying to lose weight or eat healthy. It wasn't until my baby was born (and I was enormous) that I decided to take care of myself.

    Listen to what your Dr. says! I walked a mile or two daily, until my blood pressure got high toward the end....in which case exercise might not help (backwards I know).

    It sounds like you've been trying to take better care of yourself until getting pregnant, but you can actually still lose weight while pregnant as long as you're meeting both yours and the baby's nutritional needs( which isnt as much as people want to believe).

    Good luck & congratulations!!!
  • msmitch
    msmitch Posts: 21
    Thanks for the replies. Sounds like I can pretty much keep doing what I've been as far as exercise. Hoping this all works out!
  • andreabrightside
    The extra calories a pregnant or nursing mother needs is very minimal--I read somewhere it was about 300cal/day extra (discuss this with your doctor!). So see what diet changes you can make and what dietary modifications you can make.

    A lot of the cravings you will experience are your hormones being nuts and not your body being hungry.

    I would not advise using this time to try to lose weight (don't look at a scale unless it's required/recommended by the doc). Instead, use the next 9 (or however many) months to make positive, life-long changes. Eat healthy/clean (lots of fresh fruits and veggies, protein, eliminate carbs, soda, fast food). These changes will benefit your baby (healthy in the womb = generally healthy outside the womb). And don't slip into old habits after the baby is born.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I recommend yoga. There are often classes specifically designed for pregnant ladies. Not only will you be getting good, strengthening exercise, but it will make the delivery easy. A two-fer!
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    Surprisingly you can still do A TON of exercises while pregnant.... You just have to be careful with weights and things on your back at a certain point. but other than that go for it... there is one pregnant lady in her 3rd trimester at the gym and boy does she get a good burn in
  • grnice
    grnice Posts: 96
    What's a BFP?
  • Alexis14351
    When I got pregnant with my 2nd I was obese and unhealthy, and I actually lost 12 lbs in the first ~4 months due to eating healthier and quitting soda. I gained 17 lbs during the second half, and had a healthy 8 lb baby :) My Dr told me that weight isn't as much of an issue as nutrition is. Eat when you are hungry, eat nutritious and filling food and take your prenatal vitamins. As far as exercise goes, walking is perfect, and you can continue other moderate activities as long as you aren't too tired and you are safe. And congratulations!
  • msmitch
    msmitch Posts: 21
    What's a BFP?

    Big Fat Positve
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    you can still exercise and loose some weight while pregnant. my doctor actually encouraged it. make a appointment and enjoy .
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    This is actually something I am very worried about as we speak. One day late. We want a baby very bad, but I refused to try until I had lost some major weight. I didn't want to have a HR pregnancy and be miserable for our first time having a baby. We've been together for 5 years, married for 2. I'll be 26 this year and very emotionally ready for a baby, but not physically. Scared that if I am pregnant, it be rough on me. Hoping for my period soon. Good luck though girl. I will be keeping an eye on this post =D
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    The extra calories a pregnant or nursing mother needs is very minimal--I read somewhere it was about 300cal/day extra (discuss this with your doctor!). So see what diet changes you can make and what dietary modifications you can make.

    A lot of the cravings you will experience are your hormones being nuts and not your body being hungry.

    I would not advise using this time to try to lose weight (don't look at a scale unless it's required/recommended by the doc). Instead, use the next 9 (or however many) months to make positive, life-long changes. Eat healthy/clean (lots of fresh fruits and veggies, protein, eliminate carbs, soda, fast food). These changes will benefit your baby (healthy in the womb = generally healthy outside the womb). And don't slip into old habits after the baby is born.

    this....EXCEPT...do not cut total carbs without speaking to your doctor!! I was on a low carb diet under the instruction of my PCP when I got pregnant with my youngest son. My OB/GYN immediately told me to start eating a reasonable amount of carbs ( I think it was about 200-250g a day). You can eliminate highly processed carbs ( white breads, sweets, etc) but continue to eat whole grains, fruits and veggies, lean meats, etc
  • vltaylor35
    vltaylor35 Posts: 72
    you can do anything you feel fit enough to do with the exception of martial arts or anything similar that my risk inpact into your abdomin, or an excessive number of sit ups. those abdominal muscles need to strtch quite a bit this year! apart from that, whatever takes your fancy
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    First off, congrats!!! :flowerforyou:

    It is totally possible to have a healthy, happy pregnancy while overweight. I had two! I made sure I drank tons of water, exercised every day (I did a lot of "Walk away the pounds"), and ate well. Good luck!!
  • Laurakbg
    Laurakbg Posts: 66
    I was overweight with my third and so spoke to a dietician and worked out a plan to not gain any more than necessary during pregnancy. It worked really well and I felt very healthy.
  • Angie_1MR
    Angie_1MR Posts: 247
    Walking is good whether you're pregnant or not.

  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    There was a pregnant woman at the Zumba class I went to a week ago. There are plenty of pregnancy DVDs out there, you should check them out at the library or netflix. Staying fit during your pregnancy, will help with losing weight after the pregnancy.